The Night to Remember, Part 6 – Smoking Fetish Story

Tom waited until six before he tried calling Bill’s house. When Jenny
didn’t show up by then he worried that it took her longer than she figured
to pack her stuff. But no answer at Bill’s house. Then he worried she got
lost finding his place. He thought his directions were clear. By seven he
began to really worry. But still no Jenny.

Finally he drove back to Bill’s. Helplessly he looked around outside the
house. He remembered a late model Toyota parked in Bill’s driveway when he
dropped Jenny off. He assumed it was hers. But it was gone so he figured
she was, too. He knocked on the door. No answer. He cursed himself for not
getting her cell number. He had no way to reach her.

He returned home to wait. She never showed. By eight he was on the
internet putting Jenny’s name into a cross check directory, vainly hoping to
find an address, a phone number, or something to help him find her. But no

Had Jenny lost her nerve? Did she decide she couldn’t follow through on
her promise to leave Bill? No, that didn’t add up. The damage was done
when Bill caught them in the act. Even if she regretted her decision to
leave him he’d never take her back; not now. Tom couldn’t figure it out.
But he had no choice except to continue to wait for her, hoping that
eventually she’d show up. He finally fell asleep in a chair by the window
that overlooked his driveway.

He woke up at three in the morning. Still no sign of her. Reluctantly he
went to bed, to the same bed he assumed he’d share with Jenny that night and
for many nights to come. He slept fitfully and woke up early Sunday morning.
He drove again to Bill’s and still found no sign of life. But he had a new
idea. At home he found the website for Smith Thompson & Co. and looked for
an employee directory. Once again, no luck. The website listed email
addresses and phone numbers for the company’s top executives but Jenny’s
name wasn’t on the list. Despairing, he finally realized that not only
wasn’t she coming, but he also had no way to reach her till at least Monday
to try and talk her out of that decision.

The whole time Tom continued to smoke. It was his only link to his
reluctant lover. He lit up another cigarette every twenty minutes, each time
wishing like hell Jenny was there to share his smoke. But she wasn’t and he
didn’t know what to do about it. Despite himself he found himself cursing
her for encouraging him to dump Tina and then leaving him holding the
proverbial bag. But he knew that if she suddenly appeared all would be
forgiven. The problem was, she didn’t suddenly appear. All day Sunday
passed and she never showed up.

Early Sunday evening he heard a car pull into the driveway. Eagerly he
looked out the window. His heart fell. It wasn’t the Toyota he was hoping
for. Instead it was Bill’s SUV, his Expedition. He groaned. God, he
didn’t want to have to face Tina, or Bill, without Jenny by his side. He
saw Tina getting out carrying her overnight bag. But instead of coming in
with her, Bill drove off before she reached the front door. That was odd.

He retreated into the kitchen. He heard Tina open the door with her key.
He steeled himself for the ugly confrontation that was sure to follow.

“Hi, Tom,” he heard Tina call out. “Are you here?”

“Yeah, in the kitchen. Look, I’ll stay out of your way, Tina. Go ahead
and get your stuff. I won’t bother you.”

Instead of ascending the stairs Tina followed his voice into the kitchen.
“Hi, Tom,” she said to him quite pleasantly as she dropped her bag onto the
floor. “Well, it didn’t work out like you thought, did it? I mean,
because Jenny’s not here with you.”

He nodded dolefully. “Yeah, I guess Jenny chickened out. But how did
you know?”

Tina laughed. That was a surprise. But not nearly as big a surprise as
what she did next.

She pulled up a chair and sat down with him at the table. “God, Tom,
you’re such a royal chump. Bill was right about you. You still haven’t
figured it out, have you?”

Confused, he just stared at her with his mouth open. “What are you
talking about?”

“It was all a set-up, Tom, the whole thing, from start to finish.”
Amazingly she was grinning from ear to ear. “But not only didn’t it work
out like you thought. It also didn’t work out like I planned, either. I
got screwed just like you did. So that’s why I’m here. I’m ready to come
clean if you want me to.”

“Tina, I’m totally mystified. What are you talking about?”

She laughed. “God, Tom, I really thought by now you’d have caught on.
Like I said, honey, it was all a set-up.” She took a deep breath. “I
hardly to know where to start, but let me try this. Just exactly what did
you think I was doing back here every night while you were out traveling on
business all the time?”

“I dunno. Sitting at home?”

“God, just like a man,” she muttered, shaking her pretty blond head.
“You assumed that your lonely wife was just waiting for you to come home and
satisfy her needs.” She stared right at him. “Not even close, you
fuckin’ asshole. Not even close!”

Tom was totally befuddled. Tina never used that kind of language. He’d
never once heard her use the `f’ work before. He just stared at her. She
laughed and went on.

“For a few months after we got married I did sit at home moping. Then
one day, Annie, one of my girlfriends at work, invited me to go out to a bar.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. After all, never in my life had I hung out at
places like that. But know what? I decided to go anyway and I had a great
time. You wouldn’t have recognized me, Tom. That night I drank too much
and I danced too much and I flirted with way too many guys. But it felt
good, all of it; damn good. And so I started going to bars with Annie nearly
every night that you were out on the road. One night I ran into Bill. He
was surprised to see me. After all, he knew what a conservative little ass
I’d always been till then. At first I was embarrassed that he saw me
because I knew Bill was your friend. But as usual I was drinking too much.
After awhile we started to flirt. One thing led to another and before the
night was over I went home with him.”

“With Bill? My God, you slept with Bill?”

Tina nodded. “Yep, I sure did and I must say it was fuckin’ great. He
said he thought I had enormous potential. He promised to teach me things I
never dreamed existed. So I started to hang out with Bill and his partying
crowd. I became a whole new woman, Tom. I started to talk like them, drink
like them, and act like them, too. By the time you got your fuckin’
promotion I was sleeping with three or four different men or women every
week, most of them here at our house. But you never realized what was
happening. You were so consumed with your own stupid life that you never
bothered to notice what was happening with me. Of course I worked hard to
make sure you didn’t. So when your promotion finally came through I was
sure I was totally fucked. Until, that is, Bill suggested the scam.”

“Wait a second,” Tom mumbled. “You’ve been sleeping with other guys?”

“Yeah, and girls, too,” she sneered. “You see, I also like girls now
that I’ve been sexually emancipated. But most often I slept with Bill.
After I told him about your promotion he suggested I dump you and that we
move in together. He was willing to let me live the promiscuous lifestyle
that I’d learned to enjoy so much with no strings attached. Well, almost no
strings,” she said, looking at the floor. “But that’s getting me ahead of
my story.”

Tom was bewildered and more than a little upset by his wife’s stunning
revelation. Without thinking he reached for a cigarette. Instead of looking
horrified Tina just grinned.

“Ah, that’s good, honey. Yeah, go ahead and light up a cigarette.
It’ll make me feel a hell of a lot better if you smoke while I tell you the
rest of the story.”

Tom shook his head. “Tina, you’re almost scaring me. You _want_ me to

“Uh-huh,” she said with a mysterious smile while he went ahead and lit
up. “Yeah, I do. I know you want to and I don’t mind anymore. I really
don’t. After you hear everything I have to say I suspect you’ll need all
the comfort nicotine can give you.” She cleared her throat and went on.
“Anyway, I told Bill I was upset because my lascivious lifestyle was going
to come to an ignominious end. I was pissed as hell, to be blunt. But I
couldn’t tell you. So Bill and I went out drinking. I got totally
plastered and he finally told me about Jenny. He told me bringing Jenny back
was the perfect way for me to fuck you over, to get rid of you for good so
that he and I could finally move in together, and so I could live the way I
wanted to.”

“But I don’t understand. How did Bill know about Jenny?”

“Like I said, honey, you’re such a chump. The night of your bachelor
party Bill hired two strippers from an escort service. Remember?” Tom just
nodded. “Well, of course I didn’t know about it at the time, but Bill also
hired an ultra high-class hooker from the escort service whose job it was to
seduce you at the bar. He figured you deserved one last night of sexual
ecstasy before tying the knot. So he hired the girl who introduced herself
as Jenny. He’d coached Jenny ahead of time about everything she should do
and say to get your attention. He even told her to use the name Jenny, the
name of your old high school sweetheart. It was a nice nostalgic touch.”

“Wait a minute. That’s not possible. Jenny was in town that night
because she had a job interview the next morning. She mistook me for the guy
she was interviewing. I remember he even called her on her cell phone and
canceled their dinner while we had a drink together.”

“No, Jenny’s only a high-priced hooker, darling. That phone call came
from the bartender in the bar. She slipped him a twenty to call her cell
phone while she sat at your table. Like I said, honey, Bill paid an absolute
fortune to hire her. She was the absolute best the escort service could
provide. That’s what Bill wanted and that’s what you got that night. He
also told the escort service that he wanted a heavy smoker. With Jenny you
also got that, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but -.”

“But nothing, Tom. That girl you fucked that night? The same girl who
smoked like a chimney for you? She was nothing but a hooker who your best
friend hired. But Bill had a little ulterior motive in hiring a smoker. He
sort of hoped Jenny’s constant smoking might turn you off. Like me, he
wanted you to quit. But he figured if Jenny’s smoking didn’t disgust you
then you’d have a great time fucking her. So either way his plan worked.
You’d either be repulsed by her incessant smoking, in which case you’d be
encouraged to quit, or you’d go to bed with her and have the time of your
life.” She grinned like a Cheshire cat. “The way I heard it, you did have
the greatest fuck ever, right?”

“I don’t believe this. It can’t be true.”

“Oh, but it is, baby,” Tina smirked. “It definitely is! Bill never
told you about the favor he did for you that night. He paid big bucks for
Jenny to fuck your brains out while you were missing your bachelor party. If
I’d known I’d have been royally pissed. After all, I was Miss Conservative
in those days. Luckily I didn’t know, not till Bill suggested that we bring
Jenny back as his pretend fiancée to tempt you to smoke and to fuck her
again. You see, then I could divorce you and get a great settlement in
court. After all, I didn’t want to live on my salary alone if Bill and I
ever split. So we designed it so we’d catch you fucking Jenny on our
vacation weekend, giving me an airtight case against you in a divorce. It
nearly worked, too, except that I turned out to be too debauched even for

Tom kept staring in disbelief. After letting out a deep sigh Tina smiled
again. “Look, honey, I need a prop for the rest of my story. So let me
have a cigarette, will you?”


“I said, give me a cigarette,” she repeated, still smiling. But Tom
didn’t move. So Tina grabbed his pack off the table and shook out a
cigarette. Slipping the long white cylinder into her lips she flashed yet
another big grin. “Now I need your lighter, honey. Come on; please?”

Almost like a robot he slowly gave Tina his disposable lighter. She took
it and rolled the wheel, moving the ensuing flame up to the cigarette
dangling from her lips. She lit up like a pro. “God, thanks, honey,” she
sighed. “Believe it or not I need this if I’m gonna keep telling you the
story.” Taking a long first drag she sucked the smoke down into the
innermost recesses of her chest. Smiling, she finally exhaled a thick smoky
stream into the air, while residual smoke delicately seeped from her lips
continuously over her next few breaths. “Shit, maybe not quite as good as
Jenny does it, but still pretty damned impressive, don’t you think?”

“Tina, I don’t understand. You don’t smoke. At least I never knew you
did. So when did _this_ happen?”

“Glad you asked,” she grinned, tapping an ash in the ashtray. “You
see, pretty soon I started going to bars and clubs by myself. I made lots of
new friends, not all of whom were friends of Bill’s. Some of `em smoked.
No big deal, right? Well, one night I was drunk as usual. One of the girls
gave me shit about never smoking with them. I told her that I used to smoke
some back in high school. She dared me to show her. So hell, I did,” she
said with a casual shrug, pausing for another hit on her cigarette. “Well,
then she dared me to do it again. And again. And then again. Hell, you
know the rest of the story,” she smiled, exhaling again.

“But God, Tina, I was smoking, too. So why didn’t you just tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want you to know about my secret life,” she laughed.
“I figured you’d disapprove and make me stop. But I didn’t want to stop,
Tom. I loved screwing around. Still do, in fact. I’ve become quite the
slut, I’m afraid. Hell, I’ve been sleeping with your best friend at least
once a week for nearly a year now. If that’s not degenerate, I don’t know
what is. The only thing was, I knew I could never smoke around Bill. He
hates smokers. But that was okay. I only smoked socially when I was with
other smokers, but never with him there. So he never knew I’d begun to
smoke socially. It wasn’t a big deal to me until this weekend when _I_ met
Jenny in person for the first time.”

“Wait. So let me get this straight. You were fucking Bill on a regular
basis, and you were also sleeping with other people, too?”

“Yep, I sure was. But Bill didn’t mind me being a slut. I think he
kind of liked it. It turned him on. He liked knowing that I was fucking
other people, that I’d sleep with almost anyone I felt attracted to, male or
female. The only thing I knew he wouldn’t stand for was if I ever admitted
to him that I smoked. If I was to move in with him I knew that was a
definite no-no. The subject never came up, of course, but I knew it was the
one condition. And ultimately, it turned out to be a condition I couldn’t
agree to, after I met Jennifer, that is.”

Tom still looked perplexed. Tina just drew on her cigarette and laughed.
“Let me explain what happened after you left yesterday, and why Bill finally
told me on the way home that he never wants to see me again. But to explain
that, first I need to tell you about my time with Jennifer, or Jenny, or
whatever we’re calling her now. Tom, just think for a second. Don’t you
think it was just a little strange how both Bill and I insisted that you and
Jenny spend lots of time alone?” She waited for Tom to answer. He didn’t,
so she hit on her cigarette and went on. “To make it possible for Jenny to
seduce you, we had to get you alone. We needed an excuse to make that
happen. The excuse was that both you _and_ I needed time alone with Jenny,
to get to know her. Remember Friday afternoon when she and I drove to town
to pick up groceries? It was quite an epiphany for me. Here’s what
happened when we were alone that first time.”

“We climbed into Bill’s SUV to drive to town to the store. I headed
down the driveway and let out a heavy sigh. “Jennifer, I know that Bill’s
paying you to do this, but I really do appreciate what you’re gonna do to
Tom,” I said. “God, he’s such dork. With his promotion he’ll be in town
all the time. I can’t wait to get rid of him so Bill and I can move in
together and I can keep on partying. If you seduce Tom and we catch you
doing it I’ll finally be free.”

“It’ll be no problem, honey,” Jenny said with an evil laugh.
“Seducing is what I do. And I’m fuckin’ good at it, I might add.”

“Yeah, I bet you are,” I was quick to agree. “You’re so attractive,
so seductive, so incredibly sexy. I don’t mean to flatter you, but I think
you’re gorgeous. Tell me, did you and Tom really fuck three times in one
night the night of his bachelor party?”

Jenny reached in her purse to get a cigarette. “Yep, we sure did,” she
nodded, pausing to light up. “As seductions go it wasn’t hard. Tom was
salivating from the moment he saw me. He didn’t put up much of a fight. It
was a great fuck.” She laughed and exhaled smoke into the car’s interior.
“But that’s my job,” she smiled. “I’m paid to give sexual pleasure.”

“Uh, do you think you should smoke in Bill’s car?” I asked nervously.
“He’s pretty uptight about smoking, you know.”

“God, tell me,” Jenny groaned. “He knows it’s a critical part of the
set-up for this weekend but he still complains about me lighting up. Bill
tried to stop me from smoking while we were driving out here today. I told
him, fuck you. I told him if he wanted me to do my job he had to let me
smoke whenever and wherever I wanted. He shut his goddamn trap after that,
but he didn’t like it. Shit, he’s such a non-smoking asshole!”

I watched as Jenny took a long, protracted drag on her cigarette. “You
know something, Jennifer? You smoke so differently from anyone I’ve ever
seen. You don’t just look like you’re smoking. When you smoke it looks
more like you’re making love to the cigarette!”

“I love to smoke,” she said simply, exhaling. “It’s not an act. I
smoke two packs a day and love every puff from every single cigarette.” She
turned her head and grinned wickedly. “Most people don’t notice how I
smoke, not like you did. But I bet there’s a reason for that. Do you
smoke, Tina?”

I hesitated. I didn’t really want to admit it to her. “Yeah, I do
smoke occasionally, but Bill doesn’t know,” I gulped. “You can’t tell
him. He’d kill me if he knew.”

“Yeah, I bet he would.” She paused. “Do you want to have a cigarette
with me now?”

“Oh God, I don’t know about that,” I hedged. “I only smoke socially,
Jennifer. I’m really not a regular smoker or anything.”

She persisted. “Come on, Tina. One cigarette won’t hurt. Bill never
has to know. I can keep a secret. Why don’t you join me? I think you want
to. Don’t you?”

She was right. I did want to. I fidgeted. “Well, okay, Jennifer.
Sure, maybe just one. Actually, watching you smoke up close like this _does_
make me feel like having one, to be honest. The way you smoke makes it seem
so attractive, so alluring.” She held out her pack and I hesitantly
accepted a cigarette from the gorgeous brunette beside me in the car.

Jenny held out her lighter to light me up. I took a moderate-sized drag
and exhaled.

“Ah, there’s your problem,” Jenny unexpectedly proclaimed. “Tina, you
smoke like a fuckin’ teenager! You said you’re a smoker. But the fact is
you’re hardly smoking at all!”

“What do you mean?”

“You took a tiny little puff and then blew your smoke back out. God,
that’s not smoking, honey. That’s posing. There’s a big difference!”

I was shocked. “I’m not sure I know what you mean,” I said.

She flashed me a condescending smile. “Tina, to be a real smoker you
need to do it like I do. Try this. Next time before you take a drag empty
your lungs through your nose. Then take a real hard, long drag from the
cigarette. But don’t hold the smoke in your mouth for even a second.
Instead immediately open your mouth. Quickly suck all the smoke down deep
into your chest, as far down into your lungs as you possibly can. Believe
me, honey, it’s a whole new experience when you do it that way. Like
this!” She demonstrated by putting her cigarette between her lips and
dragging hard on it for at least five seconds. Then she opened her mouth and
without waiting she pulled the smoke deep into her chest. I heard a
whooshing sound when she did it. “Hold it inside for a long while before
finally letting it go. Swallow after you inhale. It helps you keep the
smoke down there longer,” she went on, without exhaling yet. “Just like
this.” At long last she opened her mouth and began to exhale. At first
nothing happened. But then an endless stream of smoke began to flow through
her lips. “Now _that’s_ smoking, Tina,” she said proudly. “Try it.
It’s really much more satisfying!”

I felt self-conscious, but I really did like how she looked when she did
it. So I put my cigarette up to my mouth while I emptied my lungs by
breathing out through my nose. Then I dragged on the cigarette for an extra
long time, for nearly as long as she just did. Without pausing like I
usually did I quickly opened my mouth and aggressively sucked the smoke
inside, as deep as I could, just like she said. My eyes got as big as
saucers. It felt so different!

“Oh my God,” I gasped, still holding the smoke in. “Wow, that feels

“Nice, huh?” Jenny nodded. “Now _that’s_ smoking, Tina.” After a
few seconds she watched me release a long exhale. “So, what do you think?”

“Wow, I _like_ doing it that way,” I stammered. “God, Jennifer, why
didn’t anyone ever show me how to do that before?”

“Because it delivers more nicotine, honey, meaning if you keep doing it
that way you’ll soon develop into much more than a mere social smoker,” she
snickered. “Want to try it again?”

I nodded eagerly. God, I sure did! I really did like it. So I breathed
out through my nose again and then sucked on my cigarette for a long, long
time. Without delay I opened my mouth and swiftly dispatched all that
delicious smoke deep down into the innermost recesses of my expanding chest.
My head began to spin, but I fuckin’ loved it. It felt so incredible. I
pursed my lips and finally exhaled before grinning at Jennifer.

“God, Jennifer, no wonder you smoke the way you do,” I gushed
enthusiastically. “That is the absolute best ever!”

“Be careful, Tina,” she warned me sarcastically. “If you do it enough
it’ll turn you into a real smoker.” She smiled at me sweetly. “But that
might not be so bad, honey. You look awfully cute smoking like that. It
really suits you.”

I didn’t know exactly what she meant and I said so.

She smiled seductively at me with those stunning big brown eyes. “You
said before you think I look gorgeous, especially when I’m smoking a
cigarette. Well, so do you, honey,” she cooed temptingly. “So do you.
Let’s be honest with each other for a minute. I’ve noticed the way you
look at me, Tina, and it’s not platonic. I’d bet you’re a closet lesbian,
or at least a girl who loves to swing both ways. Am I right? You’ve been
staring at me the whole time with a lot more than just a casual appreciation
for my good looks, haven’t you?”

My God, I thought, she’s coming on to me! But truth was, I didn’t mind.
I really liked the fact that she was. She had my number. She was right; I
_did_ like her. And I wanted her. So finally I nodded my head and smiled as
seductively as I knew how. “Yeah, I am attracted to you, Jennifer,” I
admitted at last. “But unfortunately Bill’s not paying you to fool around
with me.”

“I don’t give a shit about that,” Jennifer answered back with a most
delightful coy grin. “Just keep smoking like that and I won’t be able to
keep my hands off of you, you blond beauty.”

I dragged hard on my cigarette again and repeated the process for her.
“Be careful, Jennifer. You’re giving me extra incentive to do this. I
sure as hell hope you mean it!”

All of a sudden the gorgeous brunette pointed at a fork in the road ahead.
“Turn off right here,” she said urgently. “It looks like a little dirt
road that’s going nowhere. I’m dead serious, Tina, baby. I promise you.
So let’s find ourselves a place where we can pull off the road and I’ll
show you right away just how much I mean it!”

Smoke spurted sporadically from my lips while I slowly turned onto that
little dirt road. God, I felt _so_ turned on! I drove slowly, looking for a
place to turn off. Finally I saw it, a little cul-de-sac in the middle of
nowhere. I turned onto it and stopped the car. “Are you really serious,

She just leered. “Take another drag off that cigarette, just like I
showed you before, and after you inhale again I’ll show you just how serious
I am, baby.”

I sucked on my cigarette for a long time and did another deep inhale for
her. Before I began to exhale Jennifer leaned over and kissed me hard on the
mouth. I had to breathe, and as I did my smoke squirted into her mouth. She
lapped it up like I was feeding her the most delicious thing imaginable.
“Mm, good,” she groaned. Then she laughed.

“Tina, I seduce people for a living. It’s my job, though I do enjoy it.
But what I fuckin’ _love_ to do is to corrupt people like you, and to make
them smoke just like I do,” she giggled insolently. “That’s my big
turn-on, baby, and right now you’re really turning me on. God, I feel so
hot,” she whispered breathlessly. “I bet you do, too.” She rested one of
her hands on my breast and began to squeeze it. “But best of all I like to
smoke while I fuck,” she went on. “Are you up for that?”

“I – I don’t know,” I admitted. “I guess.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll show you how. You’ll like it. I promise.”

Tina’s eyes were shining bright as she told her husband the story.
“Well, Tom, that’s what happened. Jennifer and I did it. She and I smoked
non-stop the whole time we fooled around in Bill’s car. We did it for a
hell of a long time. God, it was great. I got so excited. I absolutely
_loved_ smoking while I fucked around with Jennifer. By the time we were
done I realized I’d never feel the same about smoking ever again. And I was
right. The next morning Jennifer and I went out on the patio to sunbathe.
You were still sleeping after your courageous midnight fuck with her, and
Bill had left to go to town to get a paper. Remember?”

Tom nodded. Of course he remembered.

“Well, that morning Jennifer encouraged me to smoke with her again. She
put her ashtray on the ground between our two chairs and offered me a
cigarette. God, I really did want to have one with her! Plus, she looked so
damn good lying there smoking with nothing but her skimpy bikini covering up
that gorgeous body of hers. She assured me that we’d hear it in plenty of
time if you got up or if Bill came back too soon. So I gave in and smoked
with her a second time Saturday morning. The whole time she fondled me while
we laid on the chairs next to each other in the sun. It was fabulous!”

“I remember seeing an ashtray between you guys when I came outside. But
God, I never imagined that you were smoking with Jenny.”

“No, of course not. But that’s why I had to brush my teeth. Remember?
You asked me why I was brushing them in the middle of the morning. Well,
that was why. I was afraid you’d smell it on my breath if I didn’t. But
then remember when Jennifer and I supposedly went antique shopping?” She
laughed. “Not! Instead we returned to the same deserted spot and fucked
around some more. Again, she made me smoke for her and I fuckin’ loved it.
I really began to like smoking the way she showed me.” By now Tina had
finished her cigarette. “Speaking of that, God, talking about smoking like
this really makes me want another one. So can I please have one more?”

“Right now? But shit, you just finished one.”

“Yeah, baby, right now. I’m not done. I still want to smoke more, God
damn it!”

Tom loved hearing Tina ask for another cigarette, especially right after
having just finished one. So he handed her his pack and she eagerly withdrew
another B&H. “God, thanks,” she mumbled, stopping just long enough to
light up again. She took a long drag and inhaled. “Anyway, after Bill and
I came back early and caught you two fucking, after you guys split he and I
celebrated by polishing off a bottle of wine and fucking in the living room
in the exact same spot where we caught you and Jenny. It was great, and Bill
was super upbeat. I guess he didn’t notice the stale smell of smoke on me
since Jenny already smoked in the house so much. But this afternoon, after
we’d checked out of the house, he was complaining about the smell of
Jennifer’s smoke in his stupid car. I finally decided I just had to talk to
him about it. You see, Jenny was right. Once I learned to smoke like she
does I felt totally different about it. Suddenly I wanted to smoke all the
time. So I told Bill. He exploded. We fought all the way driving back. He
finally told me I had to choose. I was either a non-smoker with him or I
could smoke without him.” She grinned. “I made my choice, honey. That’s
why I’m back.”

“So wait a minute,” Tom said, rubbing his chin. “Help me out here.
You knew Jenny would go home and leave me alone after we returned to town
last night?” Tina nodded her head as she drew on her cigarette. “But how
were you and Bill gonna explain moving in together?”

“Rebound,” she explained, exhaling. “You see, I was in such desperate
need of comfort after being betrayed by you that I just fell into the arms of
the first man I saw, and that was Bill. After all, he was heartbroken, too,
you know. God, he lost his fiancée,” she said with a sarcastic sneer.
“Everything was set up perfectly. I had the perfect excuse to move in with
Bill and the perfect way to make you pay me to keep living like a slut. Only
thing was, I screwed it up by telling Bill that now I wanted to smoke
occasionally.” She hit on her B&H and smirked. “Okay, maybe a little more
than occasionally,” she giggled, pulling another deep inhale into her chest.
“Bill dumped me, Tom. So now I’m screwed, too. Look, I don’t necessarily
expect you to take me back. I know I don’t deserve it. But we’re both
screwed now and we’re also both smoking. I figured it was worth the chance
to ask you to consider it. What do you think?”

“God, I don’t know,” he groaned. “This is a hell of a lot to digest
in one sitting.” He reached for another cigarette. “So what would happen
if we did get back together?”

Tina grinned as her husband likewise lit up another cigarette. She was
clearly pleased to see him continue to feed himself nicotine. “Well, for
one thing, honey, I intend to smoke now. What I mean is, I want to smoke all
the time. But you won’t care; clearly you’re smoking constantly,” she
laughed, gesturing towards his full ashtray. When he didn’t respond she let
out an irreverent throaty laugh. “But more important, no longer will I be
Little Miss Conservative,” she added with a wink, hitting on her own B&H.
“So what would happen? Well, basically I’d want the same deal I had with
Bill. I want to be free to sleep with whomever I feel like whenever I want,
and to be able to keep partying. But you know what, honey? You should try
it. Seriously, being promiscuous is great. You might like it if you tried
it. I know I do!” She tapped an ash in the ashtray. “We’d still live
together as husband and wife, but now we’d have an open marriage. Shit, the
only reason I wanted to leave you in the first place was because I didn’t
think you’d let me live that way. But if you will, hell, I’m up for doing
it together. What do you think?”

Tom drew on his cigarette. “But you really intend to smoke? You want to
be a smoker?”

“Yep, I sure as hell do. The smoking lesson Jenny provided opened my
eyes. Once I tried smoking like she does I fuckin’ loved it.” She hit on
her cigarette and sucked the smoke in. “I love it way too much to ever
quit,” she added caustically. “So you can still be my main lover; Tom,
just not my only one. Tell me, honey. Have you ever tried a three way,
where you fucked two girls at once?”

“No, can’t say that I have.”

“Well, you should. It’s fuckin’ fabulous,” Tina snickered wickedly.
“I’ve done it a bunch and ordinarily the guy involved loves it. After all,
baby, most guys get pretty excited seeing two girls get it on. Be honest.
Don’t you love that, too?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Tom hesitated.

“Of course you do. That’s what I thought. So if we decide to stay
together maybe you’d be open to letting me show you some new shit like that.
I’ll never be boring in bed again, baby,” she laughed. “I can promise you

Tom pondered her proposal. God, Tina had definitely changed. No doubt
about that. Actually she now seemed a lot like -. Hell, she’d become a
lot like Jenny, and that wasn’t bad. The thought of living with Tina as a
smoker sounded inviting, and he loved her no longer being uptight and
conservative. He especially loved hearing her swear with no apparent
reservations for a change. And he sure as hell wouldn’t mind learning to be
more open-minded about sex. It all sounded intriguing. He sighed. “God,
Tina, you’re full of surprises tonight. I didn’t get the one thing I
really wanted, which was having Jenny as my lover. But I guess that can
never happen.” He grinned. “Shit, I hated you being Little Miss
Conservative. I hated her. I didn’t want to be married to that stuffy
bitch any longer. But now I find out that’s not the real you after all. So
what the hell? Sure, let’s give it a shot. It might be fun. In any case,
it’ll mean I can talk the way I want now and I can smoke whenever I feel
like it. And it sure as hell wouldn’t be unpleasant to get to sleep with
other women,” he grinned.

“Great, baby,” Tina giggled excitedly. She got up and walked over to
him. After taking a long drag she pulled thick white smoke deep into her
lungs. She leaned over and kissed him impudently, the same smoky kissing he
had enjoyed so much with Jenny.

“My God, Tina,” he gasped after a long and passionate embrace, smoke
still surging from his mouth and nose. “That tasted and felt fuckin’

“Yeah, didn’t it?” she giggled. “Listen, baby, I want you, but
tonight I want you to fuck the real me. I need you to fuck Tina the smoker,
the slut, the girl who’s nothing but an immoral bitch, the girl who’s been
hiding behind a hypocritical conservative disguise for way too long. What do
you say?”

He excitedly hit on his cigarette. “Baby, sounds great,” he grinned,
inhaling. “I agree totally. I want to fuck the real you, and I want you to
fuck the real me. I’m a smoker who’d love to be just as decadent and
debauched as you.” Before exhaling he planted his lips on top of hers. He
exhaled into Tina’s mouth. “How does that sound, bitch?”

“God, that sounds fuckin’ great!” Tina groaned, returning his smoke
back at him with a very lusty grin. “But know what? I have a better
idea.” She pulled away and tapped an ash into the ashtray. She gave him a
purposely naughty look. “Tom, what would you say if I told you that in
addition to fucking me tonight, you could also fuck Jenny?”

“But how -? How is that possible?”

“Never mind. Just answer my question. Now that you know your beloved
Jenny was only a hooker, would you nonetheless still like to spend a night
with her?”

He thought for a moment. “Jenny was incredible,” he groaned. “God,
yeah, I guess I would.”

“Well, I would, too. And I have Jenny’s cell phone number. Remember
when her cell phone rang yesterday when you and she were about to fuck?
Well, that was me calling. It was a signal. If she didn’t answer it meant
you guys were doing it, that she was ready for Bill and me to catch you. I
called her again just a few minutes ago and hired her for another night.
She’s parked down the street right now, just waiting for me to call and tell
her to come on over.” Seeing her husband’s confusion, she giggled
naughtily. “I told you that Jennifer and I fooled around this weekend, Tom.
But it was frustrating. I never got the chance to really enjoy her the way I
wanted, you know, because of the set-up. So after Bill dumped me I gave her
a call. I was hoping you’d take me back and if you were willing I figured
we could spend the night together with Jenny.” She drew on her cigarette.
“That’s why I asked you about three-ways,” she laughed. “I’m proposing
all three of us have fun in bed together.”

Now Tom’s head was spinning. “Tina, I’ll tell you what. I feel so
turned on right now that I can hardly stand it. God, seeing you smoke,
hearing you swear and talk about how you love being a slut and how degenerate
you’ve become. Shit, it all makes me want to fuck you _so_ bad! But now,
the possibility of also including Jenny with us? God, I think it’d be
fuckin’ fabulous!”

Tina reached for her purse, got her cell phone and punched in a number.
“Yeah, that’s what I figured you’d say, baby,” she purred with a devious
smile. “But if you wouldn’t join me I was going to pleasure myself with
that brunette bitch alone.” She paused. “Hi, Jennifer? Yeah, it’s Tina.
That’s right, all systems go. Tom knows the whole story. He’d love to
fuck the two of us together. Right, that’s the address. Okay, see you in
minute.” She clicked the `off’ button. “Jenny’s on her way, honey.
But first I want to change into something more comfortable.”


“You’ll see.” She opened her overnight bag, which hadn’t moved from
where she dropped it on the floor when she came in. “Remember this?” Tina
held up her pick negligee, the same one she wore Friday afternoon while they
made love before Bill and Jenny surprised them. “Actually, you were never
supposed to see this. I bought it to wear for Bill, to celebrate with him
after we caught you and Jenny fucking. But when you saw me put it in the
drawer at the house I had to improvise. So I lied and told you it was for
you, that I wanted to experiment and become less uptight in bed. Well, I had
to say something, didn’t I? Shit, I couldn’t have you suspecting anything
about Bill and me.” She took a last drag on her cigarette and put it in the
ashtray. She began to shed her clothes and hurriedly put on the negligee.
“As it turned out Bill never saw it. So now it’s all for you, baby, for
you and the lovely Jenny. We’ll let it be a symbol of our new immoral life

Tom admired Tina’s lithe body as she undressed and then donned the
negligee. His wife always had a great body, he sighed. But now at last she
had the attitude and moral deviousness to properly energize it and to make
that fabulous body of hers really worth fucking!

“Now for the stockings,” she grinned, pulling on the white mesh
stockings and garter belt that he saw before. “It’s really a bitch of an
outfit, don’t you think?”

He simply groaned as she undid her hair and let it fall to her shoulders.
“God, Tina, you look like a whore yourself when you wear that damn thing.”
He grinned. “It looks incredibly sexy.”

“That’s what I think, too,” she agreed. “It reflects exactly the way
I feel, baby; horny as hell and ready to fuck!” She laughed hungrily.
“I’m so glad you like the new me,” she went on. “I may be a slut, honey,
but in the process of becoming one I’ve definitely learned how to be a hell
of a good fuck. I was never able to show you till now. But tonight, with
some help from that lovely brunette bitch, the real whore, I intend to!”

The doorbell rang. “It’s open,” Tina called out. “Come on in,
Jennifer. We’re in the kitchen.”

Tom’s mouth fell open when Jenny walked into their kitchen. She was
wearing a skin-tight, low cut top, a snug leather miniskirt that barely
covered up her cute ass, and high-heels. It was the same beautiful girl but
now displaying a whole different image.

Jenny saw Tina in the doorway, in her skimpy transparent negligee and
stockings. “Hi, beautiful,” the brunette sighed happily, before giving
Tina a shameless kiss on the mouth. “My God, babe, you look fuckin’ great
tonight!” She turned to Tom who was still sitting at the table. “Hi,
Tommy,” she went on. “Good to see you again!”

“Hi, Jenny,” he groaned. “God, is it ever good to see you!”

“I’m sorry `bout last night,” Jenny went on, putting her arm around
Tina’s shoulder. “But you know, business is business. Bill paid me to
fuck you and leave you, so that’s what I had to do. No hard feelings, I

“No, I guess not,” he smiled bravely. “I’m just glad to see you

Meanwhile Tina had gotten herself another cigarette from the pack on the
kitchen table. But with a ceremonial flourish she handed the lighter to
Jenny. “Hey, light me up, beautiful?” she asked seductively.

“Sure, with pleasure, honey,” Jenny answered, clicking it and holding
the flame out so that Tina could catch it. She watched admiringly while the
sexy blond hit on her cigarette. “So Tommy, what do you think about what I
did to your wife? Do you like Tina as a smoker?”

He nodded eagerly. “Yeah, it’s great, Jenny. Really great!”

“I think so, too,” she grinned happily. “Definitely.” Before Tina
could exhale Jenny forced her mouth onto hers and got a smoky kiss. “Mm,
nice! Very nice,” she moaned with a wicked little laugh. “God, baby, I’m
_so_ glad I taught you to smoke properly. It’s the best, isn’t it?” She
turned to Tom. “If you remember, Tommy, I told you this weekend that I
think Tina’s incredibly cute. Well, I really wasn’t kidding,” she
giggled, kissing the blond girl again. “I had a great time fooling around
with your wife. I take it you don’t mind?” After asking she began rubbing
Tina’s breasts with both hands.

Tom felt his cock stiffening. “God, this is all kind of new to me,
Jenny. But I have to say, no, I don’t mind at all.”

“Good,” Jenny went on, now kissing his wife’s neck. Meanwhile Tina
took a powerful drag on her cigarette and closed her eyes as Jenny continued
to fondle her. “As great as you are in bed, Tommy, and you really are good,
by the way, it’ll be a real pleasure to fuck both of you together tonight.”
She laughed. “Sometimes I enjoy what I get paid to do more than other
times. This is one of those times that I’ll fuckin’ love doing what I’m
getting paid to do. Now, if you don’t mind light up a couple more
cigarettes, okay? One for you and one for me. Then get your ass over here
and join us, baby!”

He obediently did as Jenny asked and handed her one of the freshly lit
cigarettes. The sexily dressed brunette quickly showed them her signature
hard initial drag.

“Oh yeah, that’s good. Thanks, Tommy,” she groaned, her hands still
all over Tina. “You like watching me kiss and touch your pretty wife like
this while I smoke, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” he moaned. His free hand went down to his cock. He began to
rub himself through his pants. “I do like it, Jenny. God, I love it. But
I have to ask you something. What the hell’s your real name? And what are
you really like? What I mean is, what kind of person are you in real life?
After the revelation about what happened this weekend I feel like I don’t
really even know who you are.”

“Who am I? Well, first off, my real name’s Amber,” the lovely brunette
grinned happily. “But who am I really, and what kind of person am I? Hell,
Tommy, I can be anybody you want me to be. For instance, I can be prim,
proper and conservative, like the sweet girl you met in the bar 18 months
ago. But I can change into a vixen with an insatiable sexual appetite, like
the girl you fucked later that night. Or I can be an immoral bitch willing
to go behind her fiancée’s back and fuck his best friend, like the girl I
was this weekend.” She hit on her cigarette and inhaled the smoke deeply.
“Hell, I can even be a shameless slut who adores fucking a man and his wife
in a threesome. Shit, it makes no difference to me. I can be whatever kind
of girl you want, whichever one turns you on the most.” She tipped her head
to finally let out a mixed nose and mouth exhale. “I’m your favorite
fantasy, honey, as long as your fantasy is a girl who smokes!”

“And that’s definitely the girl I want,” Tina giggled, licking her lips
while she impatiently moved her hands up and down the brunette’s ample
chest. “I want you to be a smoking slut tonight. I want to suck your tits,
baby, and I want you to suck mine. And I want Tom to watch us,” she added
mischievously, seeing her husband’s gaze firmly fixed on their shameless
sexual naughtiness. “God, it turns me on to see Tom getting off watching us
do this,” she groaned, squeezing Jenny’s tits. She drew on her cigarette
and grinned. “This is gonna be great tonight!”

With a merciless smirk the tall brunette sucked on her cigarette and
motioned to Tom to move closer. “Here Tommy, let me do that for you,” she
whispered wickedly, and when at last he was beside her she shamelessly
reached for his cock. “Yeah, let me help you,” she went on, beginning to
jerk it up and down while she exhaled smoke. “Tina, can you help us out

Tina laughed. She put her hand on Tom’s cock. Together they worked it,
nuzzling with each other while they did. Tom groaned. All of this was so
amazing! “God, Tina, I love you being a bad girl like this. Shit, it’s so
fuckin’ great!”

With her hand still on his cock, his pretty blond wife kissed Jenny very
slowly and passionately, purposely looking at Tom out of the corner of her
eye. “And I love you loving me being a bad girl, honey. God, we’re gonna
get along great from now on!”

Meanwhile Jenny was unbuckling Tom’s belt. She unzipped his slacks and
let them drop down to his ankles. He obediently stepped out of them as the
brunette pulled down his boxers. His exposed cock was standing straight up.
Jenny laughed and brazenly knelt down. She began to kiss it and lick it.
“You know something, Tina? Tom used to complain to me that you never gave
him blow jobs.” Dragging on her cigarette she ran her tongue along his hard
shaft, exhaling smoke onto it as she went. “But I bet you’ve actually
sucked lots of cock in the last few months. Why don’t you show Tommy what
you can do?”

“With pleasure,” Tina laughed. “But only if you keep playing with me
while I do.”

“That’s no problem, baby.” Jenny moved to let Tina take her place. As
the blond put her husband’s dick in her mouth and began to suck it, Jenny
moved around behind her and massaged her tits from the rear. “Is _this_
what you want me to do, Tina?” With his cock in her mouth the blond girl
only moaned. “Yeah, that’s what I figured, you degenerate blond bitch,”
Jenny cackled, squeezing Tina’s tits harder. “But don’t make him cum,
baby. Not yet. Because I want Tom to fuck me while you watch us do it,
honey. Don’t you want that?”

“God, yes,” Tina moaned, pausing to hit on her cigarette. “I want him
to fuck you so bad, Jenny. And I want to kiss you and play with you while I
watch him doing it to you.”

The girls directed Tom into the living room where they could smoke, kiss
and pleasure each other comfortably on the plush carpet. Tom’s head was
spinning. In the excitement of the moment he could barely think. Here he
was, making love simultaneously with both his newly liberated wife and with
the gorgeous brunette that he never totally got out of his mind in the 18
months since he first fucked her. It was too delicious for words.

“Tom, I’m ready,” Tina whispered impatiently. “I want you to fuck
Jenny right now while I watch,” she giggled, exhaling smoke and grinning
eagerly at the two of them. “Tom, I want you to fuck Jenny while I play
with her tits and help you kiss her. Are you ready for that?”

He smiled. “Yeah, Tina. Totally. God, I’m _so_ fuckin’ ready!”

He felt the two girls together pushing his rock-hard cock up against and
then on into Jenny’s wet pussy. It felt amazing as he started to pump
inside her. While he did he saw Tina and Jenny hit their cigarettes
simultaneously and share another smoky kiss while he fucked the beautiful
brunette. They finished the kiss by sharing the smoky remains with him. A
leering grin was on his wife’s pretty face while he thrust his cock in and
out of Jenny’s sweet pussy. Tina was actually encouraging him. She truly
wanted him to do this, to fuck this gorgeous woman while she watched. She
was shamelessly urging him on. God, what an unexpected delight! He groaned
in pleasure as the two girls shared another smoky kiss while Tina brazenly
played with Jenny’s tits. He heard Tina whispering to him repeatedly,
“Fuck her, Tom. Yeah, fuck her good and hard. Do it, baby. God, that’s
it, fuck the bitch!”

“That’s what I’m doing, baby,” he answered breathlessly. God, his
first encounter with Jenny truly was a night to remember. But this night?
Well, this one definitely was gonna eclipse it. Yeah, this night with Jenny
and Tina would forever redefine his marriage, his sex life, the way he felt
about smoking, everything. God, that first night in the hotel had been
great; but _this_ one was definitely gonna be _the_ night to remember!


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