Angie Enters Womanhood, Part 2 – Smoking Fetish Story

As I snuffed my second cigarette of my young life, Mom reentered the room.
“Alright, honey let’s hit the mall!” As we were driving to the nearby Walt
Whitman Mall, my Mom gave me some of the best advice I ever received, before
or since.

“Listen Angie, I know how badly you want to be popular in Junior High,
*believe* *me*, I know exactly how much, so I’m gonna tell you exactly how, if
you’re willing to listen, OK?

“First, be nice to everybody, even if they’re fat and dopey looking.
Smile, and look people right in the eye and take the time to listen to what
they have to say – and ask them questions about themselves, *especially* with
boys. Everybody loves to talk about themselves. And on the other hand, take
no shit from anyone!” I was shocked! Mom had never uttered a curse word in
front of me before, something was changing around here! “Now honey, I just
know that some wise ass kids, boys or girls, are gonna have some snotty
remarks when they see the changes in you, so I’m gonna tell you exactly what
to say, OK? If it’s boys, say this: ‘Wassamatter, you like boys, huh, why
doncha run home to your mommies, ya little faggots! Ha!’ And if it’s girls,
try this: ‘I can’t help it if you’re jealous, you ugly bitch, so KISS MY
ASS!'” Whoa! This was getting better all the time! Mom continued, “And if
that little thing really gets in your face, then slap that bitch! And don’t
worry about getting in trouble either. If I get a call from that school, I’ll
be there in 15 minutes to defend you. If you ever have to do any slapping for
real, you’ll be a legend in your school, that’s all.

“When it comes to smoking, don’t be the least bit shy or hesitant about
it. Smoke like a movie star! Elegant and sophisticated like a real lady! And
that’s what I want you to start thinking of yourself as, a lady and not a
little girl anymore, OK?” She said with a great big smile.

Just then we found a parking spot and entered the mall, with Macy’s as our
first stop. In the shoe department I picked out (with my mother’s strong
guidence) two pairs of high heeled pumps in red and black – this was gonna
take some getting used to! Then Mom suggested I get a pair of high heeled
brown boots as well – she said they would be easier to walk in. Now I knew
why Mom had told me to wear my old dirty sneakers, as I put on my new sexy
boots and the saleslady took my sneakers to the garbage can.

Next up was the handbag department where we both picked out the same very
expensive Fendi shoulder bags, matching wallets, and last but not least,
matching cigarette cases, the leather kind where you slide the whole pack in
with a pocket on the side for matches or lighter. The saleslady’s eyebrows
went up when she realized that everything was for me and Mom, including the
cigarette cases.

“Surely the little girl doesn’t need a cigarette case, ha, ha.” she said. I
was so embarassed. but I could see Mom start to boil.

“Why yes, she does as a matter of fact. She’s been smoking since the second
grade. I forced her to take it up because she was such a nervous child, you
see, it calmed her down. Any more questions?” The lady turned beet red and
turned to complete the sale. As we were walking out of the store, Mom said, “I
just couldn’t help putting that old biddy on, it’s none of her business if my
girl smokes!” And we both had a good laugh!

Then came the Cosmetics department where Mom did all the picking for me,
since I knew nothing about it. In a flash we walked out with 3 tubes of
mascara, 2 jars of foundation (to cover my hated freckles), some other stuff
Mom had to explain to me later, and some 5 tubes of top of the line lipstick,
from hot pink to deep burgandy red. That was my favorite, and I put it on
right away.

We sat down on the bench surrounding the fountain in front of Macy’s and
started unpacking the loot. As I filled my purse with cosmetics, Mom slid 2
brand new $100 bills into my new wallet! Then, she took my new cigarette
case and put a soft pack of Benson and Hedges 100’s in it! And a pink Bic
lighter in the pocket! I just about swooned, all the misery of just a little
while ago totally forgotten. “Angie, you know where I keep the carton, you
can help yourself to a pack whenever you want, OK? You don’t have to ask, and
we’ll both stick with the same brand.” Fine with me!

“Alright honey, are you ready for your first *public* cigarette?” I just
nodded, and she said, “Always light the other person first.” She put a
cigarette in her mouth and with a little fumbling, so did I. I felt like the
whole world was staring at me and my stomach was bursting with
butterflies!!!! I carefully flicked the lighter (first time too!) and held it
out. Mom leaned in and puffed on her cigarette, very cool! Would I be able to
smoke as cool and natural? I let the Bic go out and reflicked it close to my
own hanging cigarette… even thinking the words “my cigarette” was a jolt! I
brought the flame to the end and puffed, breathed in, and exhaled a huge (to
my eyes) plume of smoke, and felt the now familiar and increasingly pleasent
dizziness wash all over me. Here I was, in the most public place in my little
Junior High world, casually smoking a cigarette like a grown up, no, like a
*lady*! Just then I looked up and saw a couple of girls from my social
studies class. Their eyes were as wide as saucers when they recognized me. I
didn’t really know them but gave them a smile and a wave as I took a long and
relaxed puff (Mom hated the word “drag” ’cause it was too masculine) and
turned my head to give them a perfect profile as I exhaled another cloud of
smoke. They gave a little wave and turned away. Mom said, “See what smoking
does for your image? They were in awe of you! That’s the main reason I gave
you permission to smoke so young, it’s going to make things so much easier
for you in school, besides the pleasure of it. And wait until boys see you do

We finished our smokes more like sisters than mother and daughter, and I
felt more relaxed and confident than I ever had before. Little did I know
what Mom was planning next!

End of Chapter Two

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