Skunks – Smoking Fetish Story

No one could explain the phenomenon sweeping across the world. It happened abruptly, with no rhyme or reason to the timing. It happened only to adult women; not a single man or child was changed.
Some bore only slight changes. Cute ears and tail, or wings. Others changed more dramatically, including their bodies transforming into snake or spider hybrids.
People said there were traits common in those who changed into specific creatures. Cats were curious, playful. Foxes were mischievous, wise. One of her ex-girlfriends who was into bondage became a drider, and she’d heard that she was now making fantastic use of her silk in her play.
For Melly, it was when she woke one morning and nuzzled against something next to her, something she felt sensation through. Only once her drowsy mind drifted away from the exams later that week did she realize that it was part of her, prompting her to rapidly spring out of bed and turn on the lights. With her speed, she thought that maybe she’d grown a squirrel-tail, like her friend.
When she saw her new trait, confusion and a hint of shock struck Melly. ***
Her squirrel-ears twitching, Janice said, “I didn’t know you smoked, Melly!”
“I don’t,” Melly replied, for the third time this day. She glanced around the college’s lunch hall, looking at other students who had become hybrids like her and Janice. None of them she saw were skunk-girls, but Melly knew that at least two of them attended the college.
“But you always see skunk-girls smoking in-between classes,” another friend, Lizzy, said. Though she often joked about the day she’d become an iguana, Lizzy was still perfectly human. “You’ve never even tried before?”
“Of course not,” Melly said. “I know how bad it is for you. Besides, it’s not like only skunk-girls smoke, right?”
“That’s true,” Janice said. “Maybe it’s just a fragrance thing, if there’s a perfume you really like.”
“Or maybe you just think skunks are cute,” Lizzy quipped.
Melly did, but becoming a skunk-girl was the last thing she’d wanted. It had made her nose more sensitive, picking up the yummy aromas from students’ lunches, but also stuff like obnoxious body sprays.
Melly finished her lunch, then hurried out of the lunch hall. She wondered just how many other students figured she was heading out for a puff. She probably would have herself.
Thankfully Melly didn’t get asked the same question again, though Mrs. Winters in her history class did give her an odd look when she entered. Most of her friends had plans after school, leaving Melly to head on home.
As she left by one of the college campus’s side doors, a familiar scent wafted into her sensitive nostrils. Most people she knew were bothered by cigarette smoke, and Melly didn’t like being around it, but she didn’t mind it much. Maybe it was just her new skunk-senses, but it seemed a richer scent than usual.
Melly knew it would be coming from near one of the rear buildings, where the smokers gathered between and after classes. She headed away from the campus, not toward the smokers’ usual hide-out, but along a path that would let her see them.
They came into view. Five girls. Three were normal humans. One was a lamia, with a long serpentine lower body. The last was a skunk-girl.
Like most other skunk-girls, like Melly herself, her tail was thick and bushy, a touch larger than her torso. This girl used it as a cushion, leaning against the wall. Two cute black ears poked through her long red hair, which bore a white streak just like Melly’s did now.

The main difference was that this girl had a cigarette between her fingers, one she brought to her lips. The tip glowed with her drag, followed by her blowing out the smoke. The other girls she hung out with also took occasional puffs, yet the skunk- girl’s were the longest, her exhales the thickest. Each time she blew out smoke, its scent grew stronger in the air.
A voice behind Melly snapped, “Aren’t you going to light up too, stinky?”
“Hey!” she spat in turn to the classmate behind her. “I don’t smoke, you jerk!”
That prompted Melly to head off of the campus, yet as she walked home to her apartment, she couldn’t help but to think about the red-haired skunk-girl. She’d always had a weakness for redheads, and couldn’t deny how much she loved girls with tails.
It was her smoking that Melly thought most about though. The way her drags were deeper, stronger than her friends’. Melly had always thought of smoking as unpleasant, a gross habit that quickly turned into addiction.
But why did people start in the first place? Maybe there was something nice about it.
Melly shook her head, trying to get such thoughts out of her head, even as she sniffed a hint of cigarette smoke wafting from a car that drove by. Even if she didn’t smoke, at least her skunk sense of smell made other people’s smoke less unpleasant.
Part 2
After a week, Melly was starting to get used to her new life as a skunk-girl. Accustomed to the weight of her tail, to her more-sensitive sense of smell. She washed her tail every day, in part to keep it fluffy and soft but more out of fear that it might start taking on the qualities most people were familiar with from skunks.
It seemed like people had stopped asking the typical question as well. Not in the last four days had anyone suspected her of or asked if she smoked. It seemed like she was the lone exception to the rule, as every other skunk-girl she saw on campus or out in the city smoked.
She always seemed to notice as well. Her nose picked up all aromas and odors more strongly, yet she could always recognize when someone even remotely near

her was smoking. She once even noticed an old man smoking a pipe sitting near a second-floor window of an apartment building. Melly might have been annoyed by it, but she found herself getting used to it.
She headed in early for classes today, wanting to get a head-start on her latest assignment. The path she took brought her past where students usually went to smoke, but this morning the only person who was there was the redhead skunk- girl. She wore a short leather jacket and black halter-top, paired with a grey short skirt. Her faint-red lips closed around the filter of her cigarette, the tip glowing as she drew in then exhaled another fragrant cloud of smoke.
Melly walked on by, able to smell the smoke until she entered the building. She always took this way coming in, and thus always caught a whiff of the smokers’ odor. This wasn’t the way she usually took in, but she found herself taking it more and more over the past week. Maybe it was just a sort of curiosity, wondering about that redhead and other skunk-girls. Most of them went for a puff between classes because smoking was addictive, surely. Did skunk-girls enjoy smoking more than other people?
As she put her other textbooks into her locker, a voice spoke behind her. “Hey, fluffy.”
The voice was only vaguely familiar, yet it wasn’t by it that Melly realized who it was. It was the faint hint in the air, the lingering trace of tobacco upon her breath.
She turned to the redhead skunk-girl, standing with her arms crossed. “Oh, hello,” Melly said. “What’s up?”
“Noticed the new features,” the redhead said, glancing to Melly’s ears and tail. “Never seen you out back, though.”
“Well, that’s because I don’t…you know.” Melly felt nervous, not just because of the usual spiel, but because the redhead before her was quite beautiful.
“Yeah, that. I don’t mean any offense…”
“None taken. I’ve heard far worse from people not nearly as cute as you.” That brought a hint of blush to Melly’s cheeks. “I’m Alexandra. Maybe we could hang out after classes for a bit? Just to get to know each other.”

“Sure!” Melly said, almost automatically. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hang around with Alexandra, especially if she’d be smoking or having other smokers tag along.
“See you then.” Alexandra walked down the hall, leaving Melly standing still for a few seconds until she remembered her locker was open.
Melly didn’t tell her other friends about the plans she made, just that she wasn’t free after school. Once her last class was over, she headed outside toward the back of the campus. A cat-girl and a human woman were with Alexandra, the cat- girl finishing her cigarette before leaving.
Melly watched the other two as she approached. The human woman took smaller puffs, more infrequent puffs. Alexandra took long drags, held the smoke in longer, exhaled with much more flair. She certainly seemed to enjoy it more than the other woman there.
Alexandra noticed Melly’s approach, and said goodbye to the other girl before approaching. “Hey,” she said. “Mind if I smoke?”
“Not really, I guess,” Melly said. Alexandra took a drag, exhaling away from Melly, but the breeze still blew its scent toward Melly. Maybe there was something to being a skunk-girl that made cigarette smoke smell nice, but Melly didn’t like that.
Alexandra led the way, the two only discussing their classes as they made their way to a nearby park. Benches sat beneath trees, and Alexandra chose one near the back of the park, obscured by two pines, to sit. She’d crushed her butt on the way up, but to Melly’s discomfort, she took out another cigarette as she sat. “You sure you don’t smoke?” she asked Melly as she took out her lighter.
“Positive,” Melly replied.
Alexandra shrugged, then lit her cigarette, exhaling a fragrant cloud of smoke. “I guess you smoked before becoming a skunk-girl?” asked Melly.
“Yep,” Alexandra replied. “I used to have about ten a day, but then I changed, and now I’m going on about a pack a day.”

A whole pack a day? How much did other skunk-girls smoke? “Do…do you like it more as a skunk-girl?”
“Yes.” To punctuate her answer, Alexandra took a deep draw from her cigarette. “It tastes better, smells better, makes me feel better. I used to love smoking before, but now I love it.”
It’d always seemed like such a disgusting habit, one that most were enslaved to, that Melly couldn’t imagine anyone enjoying. “I’ve never smoked before. I wish I wasn’t a skunk-girl, because now everyone thinks I do.”
“Why do you think you became a skunk-girl?” asked Alexandra, smoke wisping from her lips with each word.
“I don’t know. I don’t smoke, I don’t think about smoking.”
Alexandra leaned closer. One hand brushed against Melly’s tail, and she recoiled with a small squeak. “Sorry,” Alexandra said, before leaning in and taking a sniff of Melly’s tail. “Yeah, I believe you.”
“My tail…doesn’t smell, does it?” Melly asked. “Nope. Not even of whatever shampoo you use.”
Melly stared at Alexandra’s bushy tail. She had an inkling of an idea, imagined that it’d feel as soft and lovely as her own tail, yet if she…
Smiling, Alexandra shifted her butt, swinging her tail toward Melly so that the end of it lightly bumped against Melly’s face. The split-second it was against her gave Melly her answer.
“God,” she said, “it smells of cigarette smoke.”
Alexandra’s next exhale filled the air with that potent smell. “It smells nice, doesn’t it?”
Melly wanted to deny that, yet she saw the sly smirk upon Alexandra’s lips. “Don’t pretend that you don’t enjoy the smell as you’re walking into class. Or that I don’t notice how you breathe in deeper after I’ve taken a drag.” She wiggled her tail before Melly. “Go on. You can touch it. You can smell it.”

Her face red, Melly glanced around to make sure no one was in sight. She just had to confirm it to herself, she supposed. So she leaned in, brushing Alexandra’s tail with one hand as her face nuzzled against the fur. It was soft, delicate, fluffy.
It reeked of lingering tobacco.
Melly inhaled its aroma deeply, like it was the petals of a flower. She half-expected to get a nicotine rush from it, yet her head didn’t spin or all the other stuff she’d heard about what it was like to smoke. Without thinking about it, she pressed her face into the fur, breathing in deeply through her nostrils. Why did it smell so good?
The sudden departure of the perfume, as well as the fur against her face, alerted Melly to Alexandra having pulled her tail away. Just as Melly opened her eyes, Alexandra exhaled a stream of smoke toward Melly’s face. Without thinking, Melly inhaled through her nostrils, taking in the smell of Alexandra’s second-hand smoke.
The redhead skunk-girl chuckled, then stood up. “I’ve got to go, but maybe another time you can nuzzle my tail, cutesy.” She took another draw from her cigarette, blowing the smoke down toward Melly before walking away.
Melly sat still, the smell of smoke fading from the air. It wasn’t like she really minded it before, but now that she was a skunk-girl, something about tobacco smoke was like perfume to her. Like her nose filtered out the harsh elements, brought forward the subtle fragrances.
She’d always assumed that smoking would taste disgusting based on the smell. But if it smelled this good, maybe her skunk-girl taste would enjoy smoking?
Melly shook her head and stood up. She wasn’t going to become a smoker, just because she was a skunk-girl. She started on her way home, resolving to put cigarettes and Alexandra out of her mind.
That she caught a hint of that perfume in the air just as she left the park didn’t help much.
Part 3
Whenever Melly passed by Alexandra in the halls, Alexandra would give her such a knowing, sly smile. Melly would catch the faintest whiff of the smoke scent that lingered upon the other girl, most likely wafting from her tail.

It made her feel so weird. To enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke so much. To want to smell it. To enjoy Alexandra’s second-hand smoke. Would it be just as unhealthy for a skunk-girl as it would for a normal human?
Would it taste as good as it smelled?
Melly forced herself not to consider such things. She wasn’t a smoker. She wasn’t going to become a smoker, just because she was now a skunk-girl. What would her friends think? Her parents too?
When she left college that day, the fresh air greeted her – and soon too did the faint hint of smoke coming from the crowd of smokers. Alexandra had to be among them, but Melly didn’t want to look today.
But she picked up the familiar fragrance coming closer, and she turned to see the skunk-girl approaching, drawing from her cigarette. “Hey, cutesy,” she said. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to hang out at my place for a bit.”
Why would Melly want that? She barely knew Alexandra. Yet as the red-head exhaled, the wind guiding the smoke toward Melly, Melly instinctively inhaled through her nose. Alexandra’s smile perked up, and she swished her tail.
A lump forming in her throat, Melly said with a shrug, “Sure.” ***
Alexandra finished her cigarette before they arrived at her apartment. In the living room, a fox-girl laid stretched out on the sofa. “New friend, Alex?” she asked as the two walked in. Alexandra nodded, and led the way to her bedroom.
As she closed the door, Melly asked, “Does your roommate smoke?”
“Of course Kyu does,” Alexandra said with a wink. Her bedroom was decorated with posters of bands, of women, of attractive anime ladies. A loveseat sat in the corner, opposite the TV on her dresser. The room had a lingering odor of smoke.
Alexandra sat down on the loveseat, and Melly sat with her. The red-haired skunk- girl took a pack of cigarettes on the table, putting one into her mouth. “Cigarette?” she asked.

Melly shook her head.
Alexandra’s smile grew as she lit her cigarette, a puff of smoke sending fragrance Melly’s way. As she took her first deep drag, Melly said, “So why did you want to invite me over?”
“Whatever you want,” Alexandra said. “To just chat about smoking, watch me smoke, smother your face in my tail like you so clearly want to.”
Melly’s eyes widened. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered, cutesy,” Alexandra said, taking a quick puff and blowing the smoke at Melly.
That only made her cheeks warmer. The way Alexandra invited her, did the thought of Melly sniffing her tail interest Alexandra?
Alexandra adjusted her posture, pushing her tail toward Melly. Melly leaned forward, letting the fur tickle her nose before inhaling. Part of her didn’t like that she liked it, but gosh, did she love the smoke of Alexandra’s tail.
Her face nuzzled against it more, and with the perfume of her tail came a strong wave of smoke exhaled from Alexandra. It wasn’t just the smell, but how soft it was too. She practically rested her head against the tail, taking in its fragrance.
Alexandra cupped her chin in her hand, drawing her face away from her tail for a moment, just to exhale a stream of smoke in Melly’s face. Melly breathed it in deeply. Was the feeling in her head a second-hand high, or something else entirely?
The redhead skunk-girl smirked, then placed the filter of the cigarette betweeen Melly’s parted lips.
Having a cigarette in her mouth made Melly’s heart jolt. But she still pulled on it, just a little bit. The tip glowed, and she tasted the smoke filling her mouth.
She’d expected it to taste disgusting, and there was an unpleasant hint to it, yet it wasn’t entirely bad. Some smokers did say they enjoyed the taste, after all.
Melly watched the smoke drift out of her mouth. Alexandra chuckled and said, “Watch.”

The redhead took a long, slow drag. Her lips parted, the smoke swirling and vanishing into her mouth. A few seconds later, she leaned in, smoke exhaling from her lips and nostrils over Melly.
Alexandra leaned back, smiling, and placed the cigarette in Melly’s lips again.
Melly pulled on the cigarette, tasting the smoke in her mouth. Then she opened her mouth just a little, but instead of letting in out, breathed it into her lungs.
She expected it to be unpleasant, gross, to make her start coughing. And there was a bit of a reflex that she had to suppress. Yet the smoke smoothly filled her lungs, and with it came a pleasant light-headed feeling.
Melly blew the smoke straight at Alexandra, who inhaled it in turn. Her smile grew, and she took her own drag of the cigarette. “Do you like it?”
“I don’t know,” Melly said.
Chuckling, Alexandra placed the cigarette in her lips again.
Alexandra led Melly to the door. The smell of smoke had filled the living room, and when Melly glanced, she spotted smoke trailing from a cigarette in the ashtray in front of the fox-girl.
The two stepped outside, and Alexandra closed the door. “So I’ll see you tomorrow, hm?”
“I guess,” Melly replied.
She took a step back, but Alexandra stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “A little gift for you.”
Melly looked to Alexandra’s other hand. It was the pack of cigarettes Alexandra had taken one from, half-empty with a lighter tucked inside. “I don’t know,” Melly said.
Alexandra smirked, and placed it in her hand. Melly quickly stuffed the pack of cigarettes into her pocket, and Alexandra returned into her apartment without a word.

Melly headed to the stairs, dreading the thought that she herself smelled of smoke. It probably lingered on her breath now, on her clothes. Would her tail start smelling of smoke too?
The part that made her most nervous about it all was what she’d said to Alexandra, when the redhead had asked if she’d enjoyed her first real taste of nicotine. Melly had answered honestly at first, but by the time they’d finished the cigarette together, she’d decided on her answer.
She had liked it, kind of.
Part 4
As Melly emptied out her purse that night, she soon came to Alexandra’s gift. She placed the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table, staring at them as she sat down.
Every part of her knew it was a terrible habit. That cigarettes were highly addictive. They made you stink, look terrible, there was nothing good about them.
Yet she kept thinking about Alexandra talking about smoking, Alexandra’s little group of friends and her fox-girl roommate who smoked. They seemed to enjoy their habit.
Because they were addicted, Melly told herself. How many did it take to get hooked?
She couldn’t believe this was something she was debating. Her friends would judge her for it. They wouldn’t want to be around her when she needed a cigarette. Would they be disgusted by her smelling all the time too? If her tail ended up smelling of smoke just like Alexandra’s did? Melly even checked now, as she had done a few times earlier, to make sure it didn’t even now.
It was so stupid that she was even debating this. Just being around smokers wasn’t good for one’s health. Why did she enjoy Alexandra’s exhales so much, why did she like the smell of cigarette smoke now? Even the flavor of it?
Melly sighed in frustration.
Then she reached for the pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out, put it in her lips, and took the lighter.

She hesitated. Waiting for herself to stop herself.
Then she flicked the lighter and brought its flame to the tip.
She drew on the cigarette as it ignited, smoke filling her mouth and wafting out as she took the cigarette between her fingers. The taste wasn’t bad, and its aroma was filling her nostrils already.
She pulled on the cigarette, let the smoke swirl in her mouth, then inhaled.
That pleasant feeling in her head quickly came to her. Melly blew out a stream of smoke, then waited about ten seconds for her next drag. She used an empty Coke can for her ashtray, tapping off the cigarette every few puffs. She tried taking a few deeper drags, coughing the first time but it getting easier on her lungs the next few.
When she took the last puff, she dropped the butt into the can, then exhaled. She leaned back on her couch, inhaling the smoke in the air through her nostrils. She still couldn’t believe she liked the smell now. Loved it, even.
Nor could she believe she enjoyed the nicotine high.
Maybe she could keep it an occasional thing. Once a day. Not even once a day, maybe a few a week.
Maybe she enjoyed smoking, but she didn’t have to be a smoker. ***
The next morning was a Saturday. When Melly woke, she sniffed her tail to make sure it didn’t smell yet. She still thoroughly shampooed her tail nonetheless.
Her living room didn’t smell either, but the cigarettes remained on the table. She didn’t plan to go out today, just do homework. Melly ate breakfast, then pulled out her books.
As she did, she stared at the cigarettes. She didn’t want another one just because she was already craving nicotine, right? She just enjoyed the occasional cigarette. Were skunk-girls more prone to getting addicted? Alexandra had said she smoked more now than when she was a regular human.
She shouldn’t, yet Melly took out another cigarette, placed it in her lips, and lit it.

A sigh left her as she felt that nicotine rush again. It did feel good. Taste good, smell good. She leaned back on her couch, taking a drag every now and then. As she exhaled, she thought of Alexandra. The redhead certainly enjoyed smoking, she made that clear. The way she talked about it, how often she smoked. It was even in the way she drew on her cigarettes, how the smoke swirled in her lips before flowing into her nostrils and mouth. Melly’s next drag even tried to imitate Alexandra’s elegant inhales, then her slow exhales.
The way the smoke swirled about her, and the way she enjoyed every moment of her cigarette…
Melly closed her eyes for a moment, imagining Alexandra next to her. Smoking, smiling in that coy manner. Blowing her smoke not quite at Melly at first, but once it was clear that Melly liked the smell…
Melly took her last drag of her cigarette, holding in the smoke before blowing it out at where she fantasized Alexandra sitting. Imagining herself with Alexandra, watching her smoke, trying to smoke like her…
Something about it felt so sexy.
As if trying the habit herself had kindled that realization, Melly now saw a
sensuality in everything about how Alexandra smoked.
She wouldn’t have another today. She swore herself to that, and even put the cigarettes out of sight.
But she definitely wanted to see Alexandra again. She definitely wanted to see Alexandra smoke again. Part 5
Throughout her classes on Monday, Melly was anxious. She kept thinking about how she wanted to see Alexandra, why she wanted to see her fellow skunk-girl. Part of her fretted that the real cause of her anxiety was nicotine withdrawal, that she was already getting hooked. Whether it was that or not, she couldn’t deny that she would have liked a cigarette, all day long.
She didn’t meet up with her friends at the end of the day. Instead, she hurried to where the smokers gathered, her nose quickly picking up that familiar fragrance.

Her sense of smell even seemed fine enough to pick up Alexandra’s brand of cigarettes, or perhaps that was because she’d been smoking them too.
The redhead skunk-girl was taking a drag as Melly approached. Melly stared at her slow, long exhale, the smoke swirling in the air away from her. “What’s up, cutesy?” Alexandra asked.
“I was wondering if…” Melly said. The smell of smoke, this close up, was making her even more anxious. Making her want a cigarette even more. “…if you wanted to hang out.”
Alexandra smiled. “Certainly. Let’s head over to my place.” ***
When Alexandra unlocked the front door of her apartment, she said, “Don’t worry, Kyu’s on a date.”
The two entered, taking off their coats and backpacks before heading for the couch. Melly’s nose picked up the smell of tobacco on the furniture, lingering still in the air. She hadn’t brought the pack of cigarettes to college with her, out of fear that someone might glance inside and realize she’d started.
When she turned to Alexandra, the redhead said, “So, how much is left?” “Of the pack you gave me?”
“Mmhmm.” Alexandra reached for a pack on the table, pulling one out.
“Just a few,” Melly admitted. As Alexandra ignited her cigarette, a puff of smoke left her lips. She took a drag, and Melly couldn’t bring herself to look away. Watching the smoke swirl within her mouth and into her nostrils, imagining the flavor and fragrance herself, the nicotine rush…
Alexandra blew the smoke toward Melly, who inhaled deeply. “And I take it you’ve enjoyed it?”
Melly nodded.

Alexandra leaned toward her, putting her cigarette in Melly’s lips. She took a drag, smaller than Alexandra’s, letting the smoke fill her lungs and the nicotine race into her brain before blowing the smoke back at Alexandra.
The redhead took another puff, then leaned in closer. She exhaled with her mouth mere inches from Melly’s, smoke flooding between them. Melly breathed in as much as she could, bringing her own face closer to Alexandra’s.
Alexandra smiled, leaning back to let Melly take her drag. Then before Melly could exhale, she lunged back in, planting her lips upon Melly’s. Wisps of silver-blue rose around Melly’s nostrils and mouth as Alexandra drew in much of her second-hand smoke.
As the redhead drew back, Melly stared with wide eyes. Alexandra was being so…forward. She’d never been kissed by a girl after knowing her for such little time. Yet, as Alexandra brought her cigarette to her lips, the tip glowing and her cheeks hollowing, the excitement only grew in Melly’s mind and body.
As she lowered the cigarette, Melly came in to kiss her, inhaling the smoke from her mouth. It wasn’t as strong as a direct drag, but it still satisfied that enjoyment that smoking brought.
And more so, it continued to pique a different kind of satisfaction.
Alexandra didn’t give her a puff this time. She kept the cigarette to herself, taking drags that were a bit smaller than usual. Each time, Melly brought her face in close to inhale her smoke, its warmth against her face, in her mouth, in her lungs.
She barely noticed Alexandra’s cigarette dwindle away, until the redhead took her last drag and met Melly’s mouth. Her body pressed against Melly’s, making Melly’s groin surge with excitement.
As she pulled away, faint smoke leaving both of their mouths, Alexandra had a devilish smirk upon her lips. It was like she knew. Knew how excited Melly was. Maybe that was the point, maybe it excited her too.
She pulled her tail around her. “Come on, cutesy. Because I know you like it. And you know I like it.”

Melly obliged, burying her face in Alexandra’s tail and breathing in its smoky fragrance. The previous moments fresh in her mind, the smell was an erotic scent, coupled with its softness upon her face…
“Don’t you want to cuddle it with every inch of your naked flesh?” Melly’s eyes widened.
Alexandra took her hand, leading her off of the couch. She didn’t say a word, only smiled, as Melly let her lead the way to her bedroom.
As she gently pushed Melly onto her bed, she crawled atop her. The taste and smell of tobacco was fresh upon her breath; Melly welcomed it upon her own mouth eagerly. The two kissed for what seemed like forever, until Alexandra broke the action to start undressing the both of them.
Once Melly was back beneath Alexandra, the redhead reached to her end-table, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of the drawer. She took one out, then placed it in Melly’s lips. Smiling as she flicked her lighter, she whispered in a playful voice:
“Your turn, cutesy.”
Part 6
As she joined her friends for lunch on Friday, Janice glanced in her direction and said, “I guess it’s true what they say about skunk-girls.”
Melly just smiled and shrugged. She figured the other girls had caught on by now. Though she shampooed it well, she’d noticed the scent clung to her tail and just wouldn’t go away.
Lizzy – who still wasn’t an iguana-girl, and seemed almost disappointed about it – nodded and said, “Maybe smoking isn’t as bad for skunk-girls. There’s plenty of monster girls who are stronger and faster than normal humans. Maybe skunk-girls have better lungs.”
“Maybe,” Melly said, shrugging again. Better noses, at the least. She could still pick up all the food and perfume scents among the students throughout the day, and every so often she wandered past someone with the scent of cigarette smoke still about them. She could probably pick out the smokers in the college from other

students. Whenever it was Alexandra she noticed, the redhead always gave her a sly smile.
“At least you’re not smoking that much,” Lizzy said. “Never seen you go out for a smoke between classes.”
That was true, though Melly wondered for how long. She wouldn’t deny that she wanted a cigarette now, likely for the obvious reason, but if she didn’t have classes? If some small part of her mind didn’t tell her to at least moderate herself? Maybe she would smoke more.
In fact, Melly was looking forward to the end of the day more than usual, just so she could light up and have that first inhale of smoke and nicotine after a long wait.
At the end of the day, Melly didn’t meet up with her usual friends. Instead, she headed out to where the smokers gathered. Three girls were there, two normal humans and Alexandra. The fragrance tempted Melly, only made her crave it more.
As she approached, Alexandra took a slow drag from her cigarette, exhaling the smoke into the air – totally showing off for Melly. “Hey, cutesy,” she said.
One hand lowered into her purse, but Melly reached for her pocket first, pulling out one of the packs that Alexandra had bought her. The redhead had given her several brands to try out, to figure out her preference. Melly enjoyed all of them, maybe one or two more than the others, and her evening visits to Alexandra’s place had gotten her accustomed to chaining two in a row sometimes – especially when smoking turned to kissing while smoking, and kissing while smoking turned to much more while smoking.
She placed a cigarette in her lips, while Alexandra held out her lighter. That first puff hit the spot, and shortly after she exhaled, Melly took a second drag.
“Feel like coming over?” Alexandra asked.
“Sure thing.”
The two of them walked away from the other girls, down the sidewalk. Melly enjoyed every drag she took, from the smoke filling her mouth to it flooding her lungs, to billowing out silvery-blue into the air. She still doubted that she looked just

as sensual as Alexandra’s smoking, where the redhead skunk-girl seemed to truly enjoy every second of the habit.
Thinking about their relationship, Melly asked, “Did you think I’d take up smoking, Alexandra?”
“Of course,” Alexandra said. “Why do you think you became a skunk-girl?”
Melly recalled how her friends had figured she was or would end up a smoker when she’d turned into a skunk-girl, as if it was just being a smoker that led to someone becoming a skunk-girl.
No, that wasn’t it. Melly now knew exactly why she and Alexandra had become skunk-girls. She brought her cigarette to her lips, fantasizing about sharing a cigarette with Alexandra, tucked beneath the sheets and nuzzling that irresistibly fluffy and smoke-scented tail of hers.

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