Lucia’s Craving – Smoking Fetish Story

Lucia came out of the work meeting with a bad headache, partly because it was
such a long boring three hour session, but more so because most of the nicotine
left her system, and her brain was screaming for a potent dose of chemical laced
smoke. Lucia is addicted to cigarettes, and has been for the past 12 years. 5 foot 3
Lucia, with her big eyes, big nose, big lips, big chest, but small frame, swiftly
moved towards her chair and grabbed her bag which contained a half pack of
camel wides, her daily brand. This craving was particularly acute, Lucia’s heart
was beating very fast and a cold sweat was starting to cover her entire body. Her
breathing was very shallow and in an attempt to calm herself down while waiting
for the elevator she tried to breathe deeply but as she was inhaling her throat
caught and started a deep wet cough.
Luckily no one else was around when Lucia got onto the elevator and by this point
the anticipation gave her an empty yet heavy feeling in the pathways where her
smoke always travelled. All the way from the back of her throat down to her
addicted lungs, which lay directly behind her slightly sagged D-cup breasts, she
could feel the exact route she wanted the smoke to take, ultimately terminating on
her lung tissue, in a deep kiss and a big tight hug from the high-tar smoke.
It has been nearly four hours since Lucia was last able to enjoy a cigarette, and
with her 25 a day habit, she wasn’t used to this. She started smoking at the age of
18, just trying drags while drinking in the final months of high school, enjoying the
feeling and bumming full smokes throughout that summer. It wasn’t until she went
away for college when she bought her first pack, and it was in an
uncharacteristically rebellious gesture. Lucia was always a pretty good and proper
girl, shy, reserved, and friendly, yet stubborn under the surface. She was beginning
to hate her long distance boyfriend so she met another boy that she thought was
cute, and he smoked. They had a brief but passionate fling, having multiple intense
sexual encounters. This guy didn’t ask her to smoke, but she wanted to be like
him, so for a few weeks she started smoking heavily until they flamed out, and she
kinda just stopped altogether. Though she maintained her drunk smoking, she
didn’t buy another pack until a couple of months later when exam time came, as
she was very stressed and wanted an “adult” way to deal with it. Lucia smoked
throughout exams and as she went back to her parents place for winter break she
felt something missing when she couldn’t have a cigarette. The day she got back
to college in January she bought a pack, and decided to smoke daily, which she
would continue to do for the rest of her life.
As Lucia reached the lobby with the cigarette already in her mouth, she walked out
the door shaking. Around the corner to the smoker’s pit she tried to light her lighter
but her hands were shaking too much, so she stopped, closed her eyes, and took
one deep breath. When she flicked her lighter and its flame touched the end of her
cig, she steadily breathed in with her lips pouting out and sealed around the
orange filter. She made an audible groan of relief as she opened her mouth very
wide to reveal her protruding pointed tongue and violently sucked the smoke deep
into her chest cavity. With her eyes closed, she bit her lower lip as she felt her her
lungs soak up the harmful chemicals for a few seconds before she softly exhaled
with her nose. After repeating this for her next two breaths she could feel a fog lift
away from the back of her brain as nicotine enveloped her nerves releasing
dopamine. The only good thing about not smoking for this long was that the
nicotine buzz approached similar glorious heights to those first few months when
her addiction was developing and tightening its lifelong grip on her entire body.
From her toes to her fingers, her brain to her bum, her wrists to her stomach, each
part of her body relied on cigarettes to function.
She sat down on the bench, lifted her hot long cherried cigarette to her mouth and
started puffing away, long, deep, and hard. Within two minutes it was down to the
filter and after disposing of it, she let out a cute micro-cough and throat-clear
before reaching into her pack to continue the chain. She took more time with this
one as the stress of the craving melted away, however her drags were no less
deep, and holds no less long. Lucia really savored the taste of the tobacco,
running her tongue across her teeth in between drags, naively thinking that
sucking on her teeth would also help get rid of the yellow discoloration that has
built up over the past dozen years.
When she started smoking at the age of 18, Lucia looked quite young for her age,
she was a small girl with big round perky breasts, dark thick flowing hair and a
radiant smile. Approaching 30 years old, she was still beautiful, but she now looked
old for her age. To the untrained eye it would be tough to tell she was a smoker up
until about four years ago as deep wrinkles started to set in, and her teeth became
quite yellowed. Her olive skin was greyed around her face, with two long deep
lines running from the side of her lips to her chin.
It was four years ago in Europe that she stopped being just a regular smoker, she
became a heavy smoker obsessed with feeding her addiction. To Lucia, her
cigarette addiction was more than just physical to nicotine and tar, it was almost
spiritual. She felt an energy force in her core as if her addiction was a physical
entity centred at the bottom of her rib cage, under her upturned nipples, just to the
right of her heart. Every time she smoked she fed this area, and often needed a
couple cigarettes to fully stave off its requirements.
Lucia was fiercely protective over her smoking addiction, and since Europe she
has found pleasure in the perverse elements of cigarette smoking. Most smokers
know how much the habit chips away at their health and try to put it to the back of
their mind, but Lucia actively tries to enhance this aspect. Taking extremely deep
drags and holding the smoke inside of her chest for maximum absorption has
increased her respiratory issues, she coughs and cannot run anymore, but this
was just the start.
Due to her crippling social anxiety, Lucia uses cigarettes in pretty much any
situation. Throughout her 20’s, she has become increasingly obsessed with finding
ways to get more out of each cigarette. At a time like this, when there is a deep full
body craving she usually holds her cigarette at the crux of her index and middle
fingers right at the knuckle with the filter sticking a few milimeters out so she when
she puts it in her plump lips to drag she wraps her hand around her face and sucks
in hard. When she draws a large amount of smoke off of the cigarette she will take
her hand away from her face and open her mouth extremely wide to sharply suck
the smoke down her throat into the crater of her hungry chest as she finishes it off
with sticking her tongue out to savor the smoke taste.
When did she become such a lung slut? Lucia didn’t quite know why smoking was
so important to her but she knew that smoking was the answer. She believes in
smoke as a way to heal and destroy. Nothing would ever get her to stop. She
thought of what she would do over the weekend, and realized she had no plans
again. Lucia is a lonely girl, but at least she would go home and relax with her best
friends, a full pack of camel wides. She loved smoking best alone at home, no one
to judge her for her unique and intense smoking routine.
Part Two
After she had her three straight cigarettes Lucia went back inside to wrap up the
work week. It seemed as though most people were checked out after that long
meeting, so she only had about an hour left before she was able to step outside
and head home to unwind on a Friday night. Always keeping track of the amount
left in her pack she knew she needed more for the weekend, as there was only
one pack left in her carton at home in addition to the six left in her current pack,
which was freshly opened this morning. She walked with her lit Wide and finished it
outside of the shop as she hated wasting any drags. She lit another cigarette after
buying her carton and walked the couple blocks to her coffee stand so she could
buy her 4th coffee of the day before it closed. Having an addictive personality,
coffee was just one of Lucia’s many compulsions.
When Lucia arrived home three cigarettes later, she took off her shoes lied on the
couch and lit the last cigarette of her pack. She loved to smoke lying down, she felt
she could really open her airways and feel the chemical properties weaseling their
way into every little corner of her addicted body. She loved Friday nights when she
could train herself to smoke more efficiently and destructively. Not having any
obligations the next day to get worried and anxious about she would allow herself
to smoke slow, hard, and very deep.
After ordering a tempura dinner on her phone, she walked over to the bathroom
and put on the shower. She looked at her body in the mirror. Lucia’s eyes were
slightly sloped down to the outside and puffy, she had an exotic look to her. Her
long shiny black hair was the only outward part of her that still looked healthy, as
her facial skin was discolored and wrinkled. Well her body was alright too. She was
curvy but small and light, not much extra pudge. She never exercised so she did
have a touch of sag to her butt and breasts and tummy , though they were still very
When she finished her shower she threw on a t shirt and sweats with no undies.
Lucia was a bit hungry and her food came just in time. She was really happy to
finish dinner so she could do her favourite Friday night activity. Smoke cigarettes,
eat a weed cookie, open a bottle of wine and just fucking goon out. She loved to
zone out for hours while smoking and rubbing herself. Every week it seems like
she sunk deeper and deeper into this pattern. Her cigarette addiction was the only
thing about her that stood on a rock solid foundation, it was unshakable. She had
no other identity, as she was shy to socialize, didn’t provide any substance in other
conversations, didn’t really hold strong opinions. Lucia just wanted to smoke and
be by herself, and gooning was beginning to fit in very well. Turning off her brain
like this helped to melt away the debilitating anxiety that she attempted to medicate
with constant nicotine infusions into her blood stream. This served to increase her
anxiety long term though, as she became more reliant on smoke as her only
means of self medicating, feeling nervous and scared if she didn’t have cigarettes
on her or she went too long without a smoke.
So she lied on the couch with the ashtray handy and lap top on her stomach, bottle
and glass of wine within reach, and her weed high kicking in. She smoked 12
cigarettes in 2.5 hours without moving from that position when she took off her
shirt and pants and just rubbed herself and moaned. She was tipsy and quite
stoned at this point. Her chest hurt, and she liked it that way. All she could feel was
herself, the liquor’s bit of euphoria, the weed’s floating, her genitals wet and eager,
all with a constant flow of thick full flavor cigarette smoke bombarding her lung
passage diminishing her health. Her large breasts were being shaken and flopped
around by her hands, a bit of self smacking. The air in her small apartment was
thick with smoke.
She kept going, and there was a low level pathetic moan almost like a hum that
was coming out of her body, her throat and mouth and lips were dry, and she
drifted like this until she heard birds chirping at the back of her mind and the dawn
emerged. She woke up a few hours later on the couch in the same position,
browser open to porn, dry ash remained from her rubbing it on her nipples and
stomach. As soon as she opened her eyes, her chest had a reaction to blast out all
of the filth she assaulted her body with in a disgusting coughing fit. Her hands were
shaking uncontrollably and her mouth was completely dry. She crawled over to the
tap to dry to get down a few sips of water, and managed a couple small gulps.
Crawling back to the table on all fours she frantically reached for her camel pack
but she couldn’t even pick it up her whole body was shaking so violently. She
collapsed onto the floor and tried breathing in deeply as the percussive sounds of
her limbs hitting the floor started to wane, she coughed out a bunch of shit from
her body, and finally was able to take that light-up and restart the day’s cycle.
Lucia was a mess. As she continued to shorten her life and increase her
respiratory problems by ensuring her inhaled cigarette smoke clings to the inside
of her chest cavity, she checked her phone and saw an email from Darius. Darius.
She couldn’t believe it, and her shaking came back. Her heart beat quickened and
she took an incredibly long six second pull and screamed in the inhale with her jaw
wide open and her tongue flickering out and in to push the filth into her body. She
held it for a solid 15 seconds, even sucking some air through her teeth to kick it
back down and punish her tar sacs, before softly exhaling through her big wide
She will see Darius tonight, and despite her anxiety and general discomfort she felt
in her own body, she was determined to make herself into enough of a presentable
human so that she could get dropped down to the bottom again. She knew Darius
liked to be in control, and he knew what Lucia loved. She would build herself up
into a hot girl tonight so she can be knocked down hard, and she can swim in the
sweet pain of being humiliated and brutalized.
Lucia Three – Lin
Lin felt bad for Lucia. She seemed so sad, always quietly doing her job at her desk
and going down for more cigarette breaks than she could count. Lin knew that just
a few years ago Lucia was drop dead gorgeous, and even though she was still
structurally beautiful, she seemed to have given in to all the harmful aspects of
smoking, including its erosion of social capital. Lucia bought into her idea that
nobody wanted to talk to the dirty smoker, so she didn’t engage with others. Lin
herself though smoked a pack of marlboro mediums a day, but she was on
sociable terms with their co-workers, and how was it that Lucia looked so much
older and unhealthier than Lin even while being a decade younger?
Lin was going on a quarter century since she first tried a cigarette. Having grown
up with a chainsmoking father and a closet smoking mother – older brother starting
along the way as well – it was natural she would settle into a habitual nicotine
addiction. The paradox was that many men like her father and brother smoked,
while Chinese women like her and her mother would be looked down among more
traditional circles. Well it didn’t matter to Lin, she was born in the states, and
though she had Chinese features she felt American, and the freedom and
individualism was a big factor in her choosing to smoke.
On this particular Saturday morning Lin spotted Lucia from across the street
violently sucking on the last of her long cherried cigarette before stepping into the
neighborhood coffee shop. She smoked with such desperation, and a focus that
enabled her to miss Lin from just a few feet away as she came towards her. She
noticed Lin in the shop and nervously said hello as Lucia ordered her XL red eye
and Lin her small black coffee. As they moved to get their lids Lucia dumped a few
tablespoons of cream and sugar in her red eye, and Lin suggested they have a
cigarette together on the bench outside. Lucia smiled meekly and followed her out.
Lin turned around when they got outside to see Lucia with her cigarette hanging
out of her big lips, and she noticed up close how pallid her skin looked. Lin also
noticed how sloppily put together she was. Her full, round, yet low slung tits were
flopping around braless in her grey tank top, nipples visible pointed up to the sky.
She also wore tattered blue sweat pants that were just tight enough to see her
bum shake lightly as she walked. Lucia was so concerned with how she was
perceived in her actions that she didn’t even realize what a slob she looked like.
However, she did have absolutely stunning thick and silky black hair that was tied
up loosely in a high ponytail. Lin was in her casual jogging gear – though her lungs
were not up to the challenge – tight nike sports top and thin yoga pants that
accentuated her thin yet shapely moon butt, and clean camel toe in the center of
her thigh gap.
Lucia lit up before they sat down and took a very long double pump before storing
the drag in her lungs for many seconds. Lin lit up with her usual steady style of
cheek hollowing drag and tight snap, exhaling with a rounded mouth after a couple
seconds of swirling around her lungs. Lucia treated her cigarette differently, as she
alternated between fast, neurotic deep puffs and sizable swigs of her caffeine.
“Such a good combo isn’t it, cigarettes and coffee.” Lin tried to break the awkward
silence. “Of course”, smiled Lucia as she continued to annihilate her camel wide.
She looked so tired, thought Lin, she really would be beautiful if she took better
care of herself. “We should quit though,” Lin exclaimed, with that Lucia’s face froze
and she started shaking her head. “Haha, I know I probably won’t, maybe in a few
months when I turn 40.” Lucia said she will be turning 30 next week, and Lin
responded by asking her how much she smokes per day. “Well, around a pack or
maybe a bit more.”
Lin really wanted to help her out somehow. She asked Lucia if she has any plans
this weekend and she replied she was meeting an old friend who is in town. Lin
reached out to ask for her number and if she wanted to have a drink some time, so
they exchanged contacts. She wished her all the best and they will see each other
at work on Monday. Lin walked back to her apartment, feeling weirdly sad for
Lucia. Well, it was time she attempted a work out of some sort, for a smoker
approaching 40 Lin tried to take good care of herself. Her creamy skin was still
quite good save for a few minor wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. Her teeth
were a bit yellow, though not as bad as Lucia’s, and for a 5’6 Asian woman with a
small C cup and a tight slender frame her body looked about 10 years younger.
She wondered if she would be able to get Lucia to open up if they went out for a
glass of wine or two; poor girl.
* * *
Lucia was able to relax a little bit once she got alone, though Lin made her feel
good. Despite Lucia’s nervousness, Lin was very friendly and made her feel
comfortable by having a cigarette together and asking that they hang out some
time. However, right now it was important she focus, there were 8 or 9 hours until
she was to meet Darius for dinner at a nice restaurant near his hotel in the middle
of downtown, and she thought she should nap a little since she was still mentally
drained and zoned out from her gooning. And plus, she had a feeling it was going
to be a late night.
She got back into her apartment surprised to feel her lungs hurting and slightly out
of breath from her short walk back up the hill. She gave a few blasts from her chest
so she could clear space for the smoke from her sixth cigarette of the young day.
Lucia was possessed, her scary nicotine fit from yesterday (blurred vision, nausea,
cold sweats, palpitating heart, and trouble breathing) triggered a primal response
in which she has been devouring smoke at an even more extreme and unhealthy
rate. Her body felt terrible, pains and aches and she was certain she had mild
nicotine poisoning. She started to sweat and felt very hot so she took off her shirt.
Sick with nicotine, sick without it. There was 29 year old Lucia, sitting topless
hunched over with her curved spine and bad posture, taking a cilia-killing rip of her
camel wide before eating the smoke into her tattered chest. She didn’t wanna
breathe it out as she idly sat there brain dead, shaky hand holding her cigarette a
few inches below her 34D cups so the smoke coming off the lit cherry kissed her
nipples — which were staring right back at their vessel of destruction. Nothing in
the world could make her quit. Even though she sometimes hated the way it made
her feel, she loved that she hated it. She felt she was taking an active part of
building something, even if that something was the physical and psychological
addiction which was rapidly ravaging her system. A vicious cycle, on and on and
on and on and….
Part Four – Dinner Date
Lucia woke up feeling wonderfully refreshed after her three hour nap. Her anxiety
wasn’t crippling and consisted only of a nice healthy craving for nicotine and a
coffee. She decided to actually leave it for a few minutes as she peed, showered
and brushed her teeth before her clean exterior walked towards her table to attack
her cigarette with voracious force. The hot water having loosened her chest she
cleared her throat a few times loudly and wrapped her lips around the wide orange
filter. This is the type of craving she loved, where she knew she was about to be
satisfied, part of her normal rhythm of daily addiction. She lit the flame and sucked
hard, the harsh full flavor smoke bathing in her mouth before she drank it down.
She put her hand on her bare chest and pressed down, loving the feeling of tar
darkening her increasingly fucked lung tissue. She took another lengthy drag with
smoke still inside her, hands free, head tilted towards the sky, eyes closed, hands
on the side of her neck. It was bliss.
She was cautiously excited about meeting Darius tonight, they haven’t met since
she left Europe four years ago in that fateful summer. Darius was instrumental in
her current obsession with being addicted to smoke. They journeyed on an intense
four week relationship, having met in Berlin where Darius lives, travelling down
through a few countries in Central Europe, and culminating back in Berlin where
they barely left his bedroom the last week of her trip. Darius was, at 6’3, a full foot
taller than Lucia and with a built frame. She felt small and very submissive around
him, she handed her body to him and essentially said do what ever you want. He
did, and she loved it, despite the bouts of pain and fear along the way. Eventually,
this deepened her attraction, and their sex life reached cathartic heights,
something Lucia has not come close to feeling before or since.
She chose simple make up with red lipstick. She let her gorgeous hair flow down
past her shoulders, and put in her nose stud. She wore comfortable beige pants
that accentuated her big round bum, and a tight knit thin black sweater with no bra.
The waist of her pants sat above her belly button only a few inches below where
her full titties terminated sitting low with no support. Lucia wanted Darius to see the
state of her tits right away, and she was anticipating they’d be sore tomorrow from
the punishment they’d take tonight.
* * *
Lucia saw Darius’ eyes light up when they met in the lobby of his hotel. They
hugged as she approached him, “I have missed you Lucia, I guess you haven’t quit
smoking?” he smelt the stale tobacco on her from the cigarette she put out not a
minute ago. “I actually smoke more”, she laughed. “Well, I quit.” Darius was
looking straight into her eyes, she blushed and looked away. “I’m not strong
enough to do that, but congratulations wow, good for you” He was grinning down at
her “Let’s have dinner, this place is supposed to have good food.” Lucia gave a
cautious smile, she was a lamb to the slaughter.
After dinner, she tore into her camel wide the second they stepped outside, when
she turned around he was within a few inches looking down at her. Lucia gave a
bewildered glare, and put her cigarette to her mouth. Lucia looked rapturous. “Just
smoke deeply, keep doing what you are doing.” Deep breaths filling her lungs with
nicotine abuse. Her heart beat rapidly while he looked on and she took the longest
drags possible, sucked them right down to the bottom of her chest, let it soak up
inside of her, burning her insides, and she loved it. After this cigarette she felt a bit
dizzy, so he suggested they just go up to his hotel room, Lucia acquiesced.
Darius closed the door, locked it behind her, and sternly ordered her to light a
cigarette. He also offered her a glass of water, and after she finished it the look on
his face changed, prompting her heart to continue beating uncontrollably. She was
scared, and had trouble breathing. She took a seat on the bed, but he quickly
commanded, “Sit on the floor”, his voice was raised and she quickly did as he said.
Take off your pants, and when she did with her cig dangling from her mouth he
saw her bare pussy, bald as can be. It was a stubby little camel toe, she gained a
bit of weight in the past four years but it was still as beautiful as he remembered.
“Shirt now.” Lucia awkwardly took off her shirt one arm at a time, an audible
thwack from the lifted heavy boob as it flopped back down to her midsection. “Your
breasts have lowered.” Darius told her. She looked embarrassed yet excited.
“They are still beautiful, but I like what you are doing to them. Let’s accelerate that
tonight. Stand up. Keep smoking at a rapid pace.” When she put out her cigarette
her small naked body was staring at him and he asked her if he could hit her. She
bit her lip and her chest was heaving, she nodded. Darius struck her with a left
right combo jab hard, square on the middle of each tit. Lucia cried in pain and
pleasure and staggered back. Her stared at her and she got so excited that she
started to swing and shake her arms, her body moving uncontrollably. “Beat me
uppp, she managed to utter.”
He picked her up and put her on the bed, her pussy was hot feeling as he entered
the wet resistance with his large piece. She would die for this, Darius felt perfect
inside of her as she trembled uncontrollably like a dog getting itched. Her face
looked possessed with her eyes crossed at the back of her head and her arm
shaking above her body. He told her to put her hands above her head and grab the
bedpost by which point he raised his arms and smacked very hard down on her
chest, instantly leaving red marks on her D cups. He repeated this 7 more times
while thrusting into her and she sighed “yes” when he turned her over. She felt
something cold wrap around her neck, his belt. He fastened it and squeezed as he
entered her from behind, she was getting blurry vision. Her heights of pleasure
were reaching dizzying heights, and she was struggling to breathe when finally he
released and she gasped air, coughing because her lungs couldn’t keep up. He
turned her around and came on her tits as he whipped the metal end of the belt
directly onto her nipples.
“Light up now,” She could barely catch her breath but was searching for her
cigarettes when he put one to her mouth and lit it for her. He softly brought her
head to his chest and caressed her hair while she administered the dose into her
addicted body, waiting patiently for the destructive relief that her body parts
pathetically craved. She was softly trembling after cumming multiple times and her
body had a sweet ache. Lucia couldn’t talk, unable to move the end of the tar
stained filter further than an inch away from her lips. It looked like she was chewing
on the end of her cigarette, flickering her tongue and pushing layers of smoke
deeper into her stained chest. With Darius rubbing his face in her hair, she never
wanted to live life outside of this moment.
Part Five – Mindless Sunday
It is Sunday morning Lucia, and you are very hung over. Don’t move until I tell you
to, okay you can go to the bathroom, brush your teeth you breath stinks of stale
smoke and alcohol, your whole body reeks of alcohol. I’m sorry you can’t have a
cigarette yet, wait just a bit. What’s wrong, is five minutes after you wake up too
long to wait for your first tobacco smoke infusion into your bloodstream? Are the
nicotine receptors in your brain really that slutty and desperate get fed? Are you
that desperate to activate the neurotransmitters that give you a temporary
pleasure, release, relief? You know it won’t last, you’ll just want to yet again feed
your addicted lungs within the hour. Here, you can hold this cigarette, smell it, but
I’m not letting you light it yet. Does it smell good? Why are your hands shaking so
much? Are your nipples getting hard? Jesus Christ, you are so fucking addicted to
I have to assess your body before I let you smoke, lie down. Okay your butthole
and pussy are clean enough. Why are your hands so cold? Your face is really pale,
and your eyes are extremely red and glossy, does your head hurt? Yes, I thought
so, your temples are throbbing. Here have a glass of water. Feel any better? Not
until you smoke hahaha, well keep waiting. Hmm, looks like your left breast has a
bruise right near the nipple, oh sorry it hurts when I poke it? Well in short, you look
unhealthy and a bit dirty, let’s get you into the bath give me that cigarette, just a
few more minutes don’t worry. Think of how good it will feel when I let you resume
your self destructive passion.
Come to the bathroom, what you can’t even stand up straight you are dizzy? It’s
only a few steps, wow you look so much older than a girl who is turning 30 in a few
days, especially when you are walking hunched over like that. And your teeth, how
are they that yellow? Sit down, breathe, you’ll be okay. You are still a beautiful girl,
just look older than you are. The first two finger tips of your right hand have
noticeable nicotine stains. Relax, bathe before you smoke, it’ll loosen your lungs
up, you can get rid of some of that icky stuff that has been building steadily inside
your chest for the past 12 years. The bath is hot now, slip in. You don’t need to do
anything, just listen to me. The water feels good, I’m gonna scrub you clean.
Your breast is larger than my hand, okay you are looking very sexy now. I’m gonna
dry you off, get on the bed. You really need to smoke? Well you can’t yet, I’m
gonna enter you, lay back breathe deep. Wow your heart is beating like a
racehorse. What are you doing, settle down, you are flopping around like a fish on
the deck, stop it! You are saying you will do anything I say as long as I keep you
fed with cigarettes? Okay I’m gonna fuck you first, cum on your tits, then you can
smoke, deal? Yes that feels so good, oh I like the way you are moaning and
shaking now, I like hitting your bruise. Your titties are my punching bags ok, I’m
gonna practice my striking, you are screaming wow, you like it, I know you do, you
are vibrating that feels that good, there you go, here is my seed on your chest.
Okay I know I said I was gonna let you smoke but I think you should take a day off
of cigarettes, look what they are doing to you, your whole existence is governed by
them. Your body is hurt, your tits are red and swollen, that’s my fault sorry. Are you
crying, oh my god, you will die without cigarettes, okay fine here.
* * *
I couldn’t control myself I was wailing with tears. My chest was heaving, and I
couldn’t even feel it. It felt like my my lungs were non-existent I couldn’t get proper
breath in. I couldn’t see straight and I was shaking again. When he finally gave me
the cigarette, my tears of anguish turned to joy. I could barely stammer out the
word please, but he put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it. I sucked on it harder
than anything before, I was on my knees and he was holding it, after about 5
seconds he took it out of my mouth and shot fresh air down my throat to push the
smoke down into its home, my aching chest, where I felt it kiss my lungs. I closed
my eyes and held my breath, feeling the magic poison dissipate into my
bloodstream and tell my brain everything is okay. My brain ensured me that as long
as I continue to constantly shovel filth into my lungs, it will feel okay. After many
seconds i exhaled and nothing came out of my body except for the faintest wisp of
smoke. The deal with my head is that I need to continue to assault my body’s
health, continue to break down my respiratory system’s functioning and allow the
smoke to alter my skin and teeth, and my brain will reward me with a faint high and
relief. If I don’t do that then I will get sick, and my head will cease to function
So I put out my mouth and he held the orange filter out. I kept sucking on it until he
moved it away and a kept sucking down till my body was full. Then I let the
chemicals set off fireworks in my head, leaving the thick smoke in my chest cavity
to violently chip away at my healthy lung tissue cells. I am a drug addict, addicted
to filth. Smoking like a machine, a rhythm that is giving my whole body warmth,
regardless of its rapid deterioration because I am a stupid lazy lonely pathetic girl,
for these few minutes nicotine gives me joy!
When I smoked the whole filter down, I looked up at him and whined like a dog. He
knew I was asking for another cigarette, begging him. So he lit me up again and
repeated the process. Darius took good care of me that day, he would be in town
until Tuesday and was gonna visit me at work tomorrow after he trained me to be
able to re-enter the public world. Later he dressed me, fed me, and took me to get
my nipples pierced. He destroyed my body again. What a wonderful, mindless
Lucia’s Monday – Every Cigarette Documented
After Darius took great care of her and told her to be confident and strong at work
on Monday, Lucia lit her last Sunday cigarette in bed at 11:51 pm. Three minutes
later it was down to the filter and she turned the lights out, with live smoke still
settling onto her lung walls as she drifted to sleep.
1. 4:47 am: Waking up to go pee, lighting a cigarette as she walks to the
bathroom, sucking on her smoke deeply, ashes in the toilet an inch from her
pussy, barely exhales, a few thunderous coughs before she goes back to
2. 6:58 am: Her official first of the day, lying in bed half asleep, ashtray resting
on her sternum right above her addiction hole. Short, sharp drags,
respiratory tightness, coughing like a woman 15 years her senior.
3. 7:03 am: Sitting up now and walking over to her coffee machine.
4. 7:10 am: Relaxing with coffee, deep slow drags.
5. 7:55 am: Dressed, showered, and finished breakfast, finding her day’s
smoking pace and rhythm.
6. 8:14 am: Walking towards the subway, 3 second drags, 5 second holds at
the bottom of her lungs.
7. 8:46 am: Out of the subway, walking to her office building, sees Lin in the
smoking area.
8. 8:51 am: Has one more cigarette with Lin before the work day starts.
9. 10:02 am: First cigarette break from work, blissful, concentrated inhales.
10. 11:01 am: Rushes out before a scheduled meeting. Deep, messy, frantic
11. 11:03 am: Anxious that the meeting will go long, power smokes, feels a little
bit faint after.
12. 12:37 pm: Meeting not too bad, but still way too long without nicotine, savors
this one.
13. 12:41 pm: Doesn’t even notice herself lighting up again.
14. 1:06 pm: After lunch, settles stomach nicely.
15. 1:10 pm: Before afternoon, halfway until she can goon a bit at home
16. 2:12 pm: Getting there, opening a fresh pack
17. 3:31 pm: Healthy lung hit after over an hour without one.
18. 3:35 pm: Extra push for the final stretch
19. 5:02 pm: Huddled in a corner, notices the cute but weird looking guy that
watches her smoke sometimes outside of her office.
20. 5:07 pm: Heeds Darius’ advice, displays sexy confidence while college
student watches her, puts on a show of dangles and tight snap inhales,
exaggerating her chest rises pointed out towards him.
21. 5:11 pm: He walks over and asks to bum a smoke off her, she smilingly
gives him one and offers a light. He awkwardly comments that she must
have had a stressful day, she just says ‘three in a row’ awkwardly back. He
pretends to look at his phone while she smiles at him and smokes.
22. 5:14 pm: Determined to show her confidence, Lucia stares at him and
smokes sexily, deep inhales, never breaking her stare. He, dumbfounded,
cowers at her gaze, giving her more confidence.
23. 5:45 pm: After her subway ride, formulating her goal of two packs today.
24. 5:50 pm: Right before she gets into her apartment.
25. 5:57 pm: Strips naked and collapses onto the floor, touching herself thinking
of her playing with the guy outside of her work, using her hard pink nipples
and swollen D tits as an ashtray. Receives a knock on the door, it is Darius
after his day at meetings and he lets himself in with the key Lucia gave him
yesterday. He is not impressed. Lucia is in a trance but is embarrassed and
humiliated that she is a trembling mess naked on her floor.
26. 6:02 pm: Darius has her straddled and is feeding her a cigarette, after she is
done taking his offering, Lucia begins to take serious criticism from Darius:
“You aren’t stupid Lucia, your brain knows exactly what it is doing. Your
selfish, addicted brain has tricked your body into craving the nicotine it
needs. Your drug addicted brain needs its tobacco smoke to tickle the
nicotine receptors and release the needed endorphins. Your tiny body
responds by shaking its little hands, forcing its heart to beat uncontrollably, a
scratchiness in your throat, an emptiness in your chest. Your smart brain
knows how dumb and primal your body is and it has gotten you entangled in
this devastating nicotine addiction that is layered, physically, mentally,
psychologically. You need to learn, so I am not letting you have another
cigarette today. What’s that panic in your eyes, don’t worry I will treat you
well, but no more smoke today, just today. You can make it a few hours
right? And you are gonna fuck that guy tomorrow.”

by Ric Vermillion

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